Gina  Pera Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Gina Pera

Gina Pera is an internationally recognized expert on Adult ADHD and relationships. Following the success of her 2008 book, Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.?, Pera contributed the first-ever chapter on couple therapy to the clinical guide edited by the field’s leading expert, Russell Barkley. This new guide, Adult ADHD-Focused Couple Therapy (Routledge, 2016), extends her years of collaboration with Arthur L. Robin, PhD. on the topic.



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 Featured Title - Adult ADHD-Focused Couple Therapy - 1st Edition book cover


Psychotherapy Networker

Hidden in Plain Sight: Adult ADHD is Too Often Unrecognized

Published: Jan 08, 2016 by Psychotherapy Networker
Authors: Gina Pera
Subjects: Neuropsychology, Developmental Psychology

This article appeared in the "In Consultation" section of the magazine. A therapist-reader asks a question, and the magazine solicits an expert on that topic to write a column that answers it. The question was: Q: A couple has asked me to help them deal with the husband's new AD/HD diagnosis and their past 20 years of discord. Financial problems loom large, and both seem exhausted. Where do I begin?