Helen  Bilton Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Helen Bilton

For the last 34 years Helen has been promoting the benefits of the outdoor environment for young children. She has researched and written extensively on the subject, with her first title Outdoor Learning in the Early Years being published in 1998. She has worked with teachers and academics across the UK and more recently across the globe. In 2012 she was very pleased to receive a National Teaching Fellowship, which demonstrates her dedication to teaching and learning for all.

Subjects: Education


I started out my professional career as a teacher of young children and was fascinated by how the outdoor environment so suited young children's learning needs.  My interest and love of this environment has continued and I have written extensively about it. This interest has captured me such that I am interested in the outdoor space for all phases of education.
I teach across all education programmes at the  University and supervise a number of doctoral students on a range of topics.

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

        Early Years Education: 3,4,5 year olds.
        Outdoor play and provision for the Early Years and Primary.
        The environment for learning and teaching.
        Playtime, break-time, recess: making it more successful for children, staff, teaching and learning.
        Support staff (nursery, primary and secondary): roles and responsibilities in the class and at break times.
        Oral Language development in the outdoor environment.
        Children interacting with staff outside.
        Gender: boys and girls in class and outside, interests and control of the environment.
        Behaviour Management: individual class management and whole school approach.


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Exploring Outdoors Ages 3–11 Bilton - 1st Edition book cover