James R. Dudley Author of Evaluating Organization Development

James R. Dudley

Professor Emeritus
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

James (Jim) Dudley's research in the area of spirituality includes the spirituality of hospice workers, religious and non-religious spiritual assessments, preparing students for spiritually-sensitive practice, and exploring models for spiritually-sensitive human service organizations. He has conducted extensive work in churches in both Philadelphia and Charlotte on topics such as developing a spiritual discipline, male spirituality, the process of spiritual discernment, and Bible study.


Jim Dudley has been a faculty member at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in the School of Social Work since 1991 and prior to that was a faculty member at Temple University in the School of Administration beginning in 1973.  He was instrumental in establishing the MSW program and obtaining accreditation for the MSW and BSW programs at UNC Charlotte.  He served as Department Chair for seven years and is currently a Professor Emeritus.  Overall, he has primarily taught courses on research methods, program evaluation, and social work practice with individuals, families, and groups.  He has always valued working closely with students, helping them become the best professional practitioners and researchers they can be, and helping them find and grow their personal and professional selves.

Jim has conducted research as a principal investigator as follows:
1) Program Evaluation of the Hispanic Learning Center, Concord, NC. 2008-2010. ($10,500 contract)
2) The Procreative Consciousness and Responsibility of Teenage Fathers: Empowering Teenage Fathers and Mothers, UNC Charlotte Faculty Research Grant, 2006-2012. ($5606)
3) Completion of Self-Determination Study of Former Thomas S. Class Members, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, 2000-01.  ($132,386 contract)
4) Continuation of Self-Determination Study of former Thomas S. Class Members, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, 1999-00.  ($133,496 contract)
5) Self-Determination Study of former Thomas S. Class Members, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, 1998-99.  ($123,979 contract)
6) Thomas S. Longitudinal Study, a six year North Carolina State Contract, North Carolina Department of Human Resources, 1993-98 (An investigation of the quality of life issues and court-mandated service provisions for approximately 1200 Thomas S. class members leaving state psychiatric hospitals.  Deinstitutionalization class action suit against the state of North Carolina decided in 1988 and dismissed in 1998. ($1,150,000 contract). Website: http://thomass.uncc.edu/
7) Survey of "Family-Sensitive Policies" of Charlotte Employers, UNC Charlotte Faculty Research Grant, Charlotte, NC, 1992-93. (Under $10,000)
8) Evaluation of Client Satisfaction with Case Management Services of Tioga County Human Services Agency, Tioga County, PA, 1991 (An interview study of 51 clients and their families, utilizing MSW students from a program evaluation course) (Under $10,000)
9) Fathering After Divorce, 1987 to 1990, which began as a faculty study leave project, Temple University (A survey study of 255 divorced fathers, examining the predictor variables for fathers' continued parental contact with their children and payment of child support)
10) Spirituality and Its Impact on Hospice Care Workers, 1988-1991 (Two different survey studies of 120 hospice care workers in three states). The first survey identified general patterns of spirituality issues among hospice workers, and the second survey involved a more in-depth analysis of the spiritual practices of hospice professionals in their work, with Dr. Martin Millison, Faculty Grant-In-Aid of Research, Temple University, 1989.  ($15,500)
11) Program Evaluation of Logan Community Development Assistance Project, a project attempting to foster positive relations among African American and Southeast Asian residents and merchants, La Salle University, Philadelphia, 1985-87 ($12,000)
12) Administrative Orientations for Promoting Positive Relations Between People with Mental Retardation Labels and the Community, Summer Research Fellowship, Temple University, 1984  (A state-wide attitudinal survey study of 132 administrators of community residential programs in Pennsylvania)
13) A Comparative Study of the Lives of Dual Career and Joint Custody Fathers, with Dr. Martin Millison, Faculty Grant, Temple University, 1984 (A qualitative study of 20 fathers using in-depth interviewing) (Under $10,000)
14) An Examination of the Role of Residential Direct Care Staff in Facilitating Community Acceptance of People with a Mental Retardation Label, Faculty Grant, Temple University, 1982-83 (A qualitative study of 15 respondents using in-depth interviewing) (Under $10,000)
15) A Client Evaluation of a Sheltered Workshop, Faculty Grant, Temple University, 1980-81 (A participant-observation study of a sheltered workshop program) (Under $10,000)
16) Stigma in the Lives of People with a Mental Retardation Label, Ph.D. Dissertation, Bryn Mawr College, 1977-79, funded by a grant from the Philadelphia Office of Mental Health and Mental Retardation (A participant-observation study of people with mental retardation labels and their stigma encounters)  ($15,450)
17) Prenatal Care Among Champaign, Illinois Negro Mothers. Master's Thesis, University of Illinois, 1966 (An interview study of 76 mothers on issues related to prenatal care and their health. This study provided the documentation needed for establishing a new community health clinic addressing the medical needs of these mothers and their families.)


    Ph.D. in Social Work and Social Research, Bryn Mawr College
    MSW Degree, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
    Master of Science in Spirituality Studies, Loyola New Orlean
    B.S. Degree in Education at the University of Illinois

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Jim’s research and publications are wide-ranging. They have focused on spirituality and spiritually-sensitive practice; non-residential fathering; teenage parenting and sexuality education; stigma, friendships, and social integration for people with developmentally disabilities; an eight-year State of North Carolina longitudinal study on deinstitutionalization of people with a dual diagnosis (MH & MR); and other topics. All of his research has been connected by the common threads of advocacy and social justice. Besides “Spirituality Matters in Social Work,” he has authored books titled “Fathering at Risk,” “Living with Stigma,” "Confronting the Stigma in Their Lives," “Research Methods in Social Work,” “Social Work Evaluation,” and “Lessons Learned from a Lawsuit.” He has also authored and co-authored numerous articles and book chapters in a range of highly regarded journals. His journal articles include:

    Dudley, J., Crowder A. & Montgomery, T. R.  (2014): Back to basics: How young mothers learn about sex and sexuality, Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 14(3), 272-285. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14681811.2013.878693

    Dudley, J., Herring, M., Cradle, K., & Rose, M. (2012). Fathering the children of teenage mothers: The need for procreative consciousness and responsibility. Families in Society, 93(2), 123–132.

    Dudley, J. (2007).  Helping nonresidential fathers: The case for teen and adult unmarried fathers. Families in Society, 88, 2, 171-182.

    Dudley, J. (2005).  Best friends of people with mental illness and mental retardation. Psychiatric Services, 56(5), 610-611.

    Dudley, J. (2005). Understanding and promoting the friendships of people with a dual diagnosis. Professional Development: The International Journal of Continuing Social Work Education, 8(1), 4-14.

    Dudley, J., & Fagan, J. (2002). A time to support fatherhood.  Professional Development: The International Journal of Continuing Social Work Education, Commissioned Paper, Volumes 4(3) and 5(1), 4-15.  Philadelphia: Temple University, Office of Publications.

    Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., & Dudley, J. (2001). Confirmed, unconfirmed, and false allegations of abuse made by adults with mental retardation who are members of a class action lawsuit, Child Abuse and Neglect 25, 1121-1132.

    Dudley, J. (2000). Personal associations with potential clients: A way of understanding the stigma problems of people with a mental retardation label,” The Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 6(1), 81-93.

    Dudley, J. (2000). Confronting stigma within the services system, Social Work, 45(5), 449-455.

    Dudley, J. (1999). When staff and consumers disagree about consumer satisfaction.  Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the National Association of the Dually Diagnosed, NADD Press, 1999.  Reprinted in Dudley et al., (2002). Lessons Learned from a Lawsuit: Creating Services for People with Mental Illness and Mental Retardation, 117-122. Kingston, NY: NADD Press; Also reprinted in NADD Bulletin, 4(6), 103-106 (November/December, 2001).    

    Dudley, J., Calhoun, M., Conroy, J., & Jones, J. (1999). The Thomas S. case: Report on progress with court compliance issues. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 43(4), 289-293.

    Dudley, J., M. Calhoun, & L. Delzell. (1999). Diverse diagnostic and behavioral patterns amongst people with a dual diagnosis." Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 43(2), 70-79.

    Dudley, J., M.. Calhoun, J. Conroy, & J. Jones. (1998). A five year longitudinal study of class members of the Thomas S. lawsuit: Who are they and how are they doing?” Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the National Association of the Dually Diagnosed, NADD Press, 1998.  

    Dudley, J., M. Calhoun, L. Delzell, & J. Conroy. (1998). Measuring the consumer satisfaction of class members of a law suit." Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 42(3), 199-207.

    Dudley, J., M. Calhoun, L. Delzell, & J. Conroy. (1997). A consumer satisfaction study of people with mental illness and mental retardation." Psychiatric Services, 48(8), 1075-1077.

    Rice, D., & J. Dudley. (1997).  Preparing students for the spiritual issues of their clients through a self-awareness exercise.  The Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 3(1), 85-95.

    Dudley, J. (1996).  Seeking a closer partnership with the Self-Advocacy Movement.  Mental Retardation, Vol. 34(4), 255-256.

    Dudley, J. (1996).  The views of noncustodial fathers about their parental role.  Family and Conciliation Court Review, 34(3), 410-426.

    Dudley, J., C. Smith, & M. Millison. (1995). Unfinished business: Assessing the spiritual needs of hospice clients. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, 12(2), 30-37. Also, reprinted in Healing Ministries, 1(2), 8-15.

    Millison, M. & J. Dudley. (1992). Providing spiritual support: A job for all hospice professionals. The Hospice Journal, 8(4), 49-66.

    Dudley, J. (1991).  The consequences of divorce proceedings for divorced fathers.  Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 16(3/4), 171-193.  

    Dudley, J. (1991).  Increasing our understanding of divorced fathers who have infrequent contact with their children. Family Relations, 40, 279-85.

    Dudley, J. & & C. Helfgott. (1990). Exploring a place for spirituality in the social work curriculum.  Journal of Social Work Education, 26(3), 287-294.

    Dudley, J. (1990).  Exploring ways to get divorced fathers to comply willingly with child support agreements. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 15, 121-135.  

    Millison, M. & J. Dudley. (1990). The importance of spirituality in hospice work: A study of hospice professionals." The Hospice Journal, 6(3), 63-78.

    Dudley, J. (1989). The role of residential program staff in facilitating positive relations with the neighborhood: What should it be? Administration in Social Work, 13(1), 95-111.

    Dudley, J. (1988).  Discovering the community living arrangement - neighborhood equation. Mental Retardation, 26(1), 25-32.

    Dudley, J. (1987).  Speaking for themselves: Clearing up misconceptions about the people who are labeled mentally retarded." Social Work, 32(1), 80-82.

    Dudley, J. & M. Schatz. (1985). The missing link in evaluating sheltered workshop programs: The clients' input. Mental Retardation, 23(5), 235-240.

    Dudley, J., & many others. (1981). Proceedings of N.A.S.W. Conceptual Framework II Conference. Social Work, 26(1).

    Dudley, J. (1978). Is social planning social work?" Social Work, 23(1), 37-41.

    Dudley, J. (1975). Citizens' boards for Philadelphia Community Mental Health Centers. Community Mental Health Journal, 11(4), 410-417.

    For more details on his research projects and publications, go to http://socialwork.uncc.edu/james-r-dudley

Personal Interests

    Jim is married to Joanna Dudley, a medical social worker and yoga teacher. They have a married son, Eric, a daughter-in-law, Michele, and four grandchildren, Elise, Hannah, Ben, and Evan. Jim and Joanna spend as much of their time as they can with the grandchildren. Jim and Joanna also volunteer in several areas of community service including helping local communities overcome hunger and food insecurities, and Wellness initiatives. They also love the North Carolina mountains, hiking, vacationing, and relaxing. They also like to travel internationally when they can.


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 Featured Title - Dudley - Spirituality Matters in Social Work - 1st Edition book cover