Gwilym Lucas Eades Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Gwilym Lucas Eades

Royal Holloway University of London

I am a lecturer in Human and Environmental Geography in the Department of Geography at Royal Holloway University of London. I teach critical GIS and the geoweb and my research interests revolve around counter-mapping and critical toponymies of indigenous peoples.


I am a lecturer in human and environmental geography in the department of geography at Royal Holloway University of London.  My research has involved field work in northern British Columbia and Quebec, Canada, working with northwest coast, Cree, and Inuit peoples.  Research in the UK has taken me to Wales and Scotland to explore modern day place-name performances and practices involved in tourism and everyday life.


    PhD, McGill University, 2011

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Memetics of place, counter-mapping, critical geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), geographical name-tracking networks

Personal Interests

    Modern day rogation practices, beating the bounds, rambling, psychogeography, flanerie, mapping while walking


Featured Title
 Featured Title - The Geography of Names - 1st Edition book cover


Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

Digital landscapes of deglaciation: identifying Late Quaternary glacial lake out

Published: Jul 25, 2016 by Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Authors: Varyl Thorndycraft, Jonathan Cripps, Gwilym Eades
Subjects: Geography

High resolution DEMs obtained from LiDAR topographic data have led to improved landform inventories (e.g. landslides and fault scarps) and understanding of geomorphic event frequency. Here we use airborne LiDAR mapping to investigate meltwater pathways associated with the Tweed Valley palaeo ice-stream (UK).

The Canadian Geographer

Toponymic Constraints in Wemindji

Published: Dec 03, 2014 by The Canadian Geographer
Authors: Gwilym Eades
Subjects: Anthropology - Soc Sci, Geography

Research by Eugene Hunn (1996) suggested that toponymic density and population density are roughly equal for a range of indigenous groups across North America. In Wemindji, Quebec, historic and current toponymic and population data support Hunn's observation.