Ricia Anne Chansky Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Ricia Anne Chansky

Associate Professor
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

Ricia Anne Chansky is Associate Professor of Literature at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. She is the editor of the scholarly journal a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, and editor of The Routledge Auto/Biography Studies Reader, Auto/Biography in the Americas: Relational Lives, and Auto/Biography across the Americas: Transnational Themes in Life Writing. She is also founded the International Auto/Biography Association – Chapter of the Americas.


    PhD, Illinois State University

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Auto/Biography Studies, Diasporic Studies, Women’s Literatures, Feminist Theory, Transnational American Studies, Postcolonial Theory, Pedagogy, and Visual Culture. Horror genre enthusiast.



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Auto Biography Studies Reader - 1st Edition book cover


Teaching the Novel across the Curriculum: A Handbook for Educators

Written Images: Using Visual Literacy to Unravel the Novel

Published: Aug 01, 2016 by Teaching the Novel across the Curriculum: A Handbook for Educators
Authors: Ricia Anne Chansky
Subjects: Literature, Education

This article explores the use of visual literacies in general education courses offered in departments of English.

a/b: Auto/Biography Studies

The Art of Sociopolitical Autobiography: Reading The Dinner Party

Published: Aug 01, 2016 by a/b: Auto/Biography Studies
Authors: Ricia Anne Chansky
Subjects: Literature, Area Studies, Gender & Sexuality

“The Art of Sociopolitical Autobiography: Reading The Dinner Party as a Multimodal Narrative of the Feminist Movement”

Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly

“Between Selves: An Intertextual Approach to Jamaica Kincaid’s Among Flowers”

Published: Aug 01, 2016 by Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly
Authors: Ricia Anne Chansky
Subjects: Literature, Area Studies, Tourism, Hospitality and Events, Gender & Sexuality

Jamaica Kincaid’s second travel narrative, Among Flowers: A Walk in the Himalaya, remains an underexplored text due to the conflicted, diasporic subjectivity that readers encounter within the book. This essay argues for a reading strategy that positions Among Flowers in conversation with A Small Place to reveal a more nuanced understanding of Kincaid’s diasporic status.

The Journal of Popular Culture

A Stitch in Time: Third Wave Feminist Reclamation of Needled Crafts

Published: Aug 01, 2016 by The Journal of Popular Culture
Authors: Ricia Anne Chansky
Subjects: Literature, Consumer Psychology, Area Studies, Media and Cultural Studies, Mass Communications, Economics, Finance, Business & Industry, Communications Studies, Web, Gender & Sexuality, Communication Studies

This essay discusses craftivism as a method of activism in third wave feminism.

la Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa

Enseñando en el tercer espacio

Published: Aug 01, 2016 by la Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa
Authors: Ricia Anne Chansky
Subjects: Literature, Education, Area Studies, Tourism, Hospitality and Events, Gender & Sexuality

Enseñando en el tercer espacio: construcción de identidad en los relatos de viaje de Jamaica Kincaid, A Small Place y Among Flowers


Time to Shop: Advertising Trade Card Rhetorics

Published: Aug 01, 2016 by Atenea
Subjects: Literature, Area Studies, Media and Cultural Studies, Communications Studies, Gender & Sexuality, Communication Studies, History

Time to Shop: Advertising Trade Card Rhetorics and the Construction of a Public Space for Women

a/b: Auto/Biography Studies

Navigating the Maze: Life Writing in Visual Breast Cancer Journals

Published: Aug 01, 2016 by a/b: Auto/Biography Studies
Authors: Ricia Anne Chansky
Subjects: Literature, Area Studies, Photography, Gender & Sexuality, Communication Studies, Health Psychology

This essay explores visual narratives in breast cancer journals.

Publication of the VI Congreso Internacional de Investigación (Auto)biográfica (VI CIPA)

La verdad flexible y la blogósfera: Revisión de la vida digital de Julie Powell

Published: Jul 27, 2016 by Publication of the VI Congreso Internacional de Investigación (Auto)biográfica (VI CIPA)
Authors: Ricia Anne Chansky
Subjects: Literature, Mass Communications, Communications Studies, Web, Gender & Sexuality

This essay explores agency won and lost through the remediation of Julie Powell’s narrative, The Julie/Julia Project, the impact that “truthiness” in the blogosphere has on more traditional genres of narration, and the ways in which the communal aspect of blogging impact identity construction.

Publication of the VII Congreso Internacional de Investigación (Auto)biográfica (VII CIPA).

Ansiedad encarnada: Transnacionalismo e inestabilidad en Jamaica Kincaid

Published: Jul 27, 2016 by Publication of the VII Congreso Internacional de Investigación (Auto)biográfica (VII CIPA).
Authors: Ricia Anne Chansky
Subjects: Literature, Area Studies, Tourism, Hospitality and Events, Gender & Sexuality

This essay considers the unease caused by a recognition of the self as transient in Jamaica Kincaid’s second travel narrative, Among Flowers: A Walk in the Himalaya (2005). Reading Among Flowers as part of Kincaid’s oeuvre and understanding the author as a “serial autobiographer” allows scholars to interrogate further the “autobiographical pact” in consideration of the instability of truth in diasporic lives.