Ehren Helmut Pflugfelder Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Ehren Helmut Pflugfelder

Assistant Professor
Oregon State University

I’m an Assistant Professor at Oregon State University where I teach courses in professional, technical, science, business, and web writing, as well as the teaching of writing, digital rhetoric, and new media literacy. I have a PhD in rhetoric and composition, with a focus in technical writing, from Purdue University. My most recent research focused on the relationship of classical rhetoric, technology, and mobility studies.


My name is Ehren Helmut Pflugfelder and I’m an Assistant Professor in the school of Writing, Literature, and Film at Oregon State University. I teach courses in professional, technical, science, business, and web writing, as well as the teaching of writing, digital rhetoric, and new media literacy. I have a PhD in rhetoric and composition, with a focus in technical writing, from Purdue University. My most recent research focused on the relationship of classical rhetoric, technology, and mobility studies and I’ve just finished work on book project that focuses on the same for the Routledge series “Studies in Technical Communication, Rhetoric, and Culture.” The book is called Communicating Mobility and Technology: A Material Rhetoric for Persuasive Transportation. I’m switching gears somewhat for my next research project, which will involve more of risk communication and the rhetoric of science and technology. That’s a significant change for me, so right now I’m just trying to read my way into a new field of study.


    BSE, Slippery Rock University
    MA, Case Western Reserve University
    PhD, Purdue University

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Rhetoric, Technical Communication, Professional Writing, The Teaching of Writing, Science Writing

Personal Interests

    bicycling, home brewing, reading, swearing at my garden



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Communicating Mobility and Technology; Pflugfelder - 1st Edition book cover


Rhetoric Society Quarterly

Rhetoric’s New Materialism: From Micro-Rhetoric to Microbrew

Published: Nov 03, 2015 by Rhetoric Society Quarterly
Authors: Ehren Helmut Pflugfelder

Increasingly, rhetoricians have taken up the task of understanding how rhetoric is applicable to material conditions, yet have found difficulty in approaching the rhetoric that exists between nonhumans. This essay suggests a micro-rhetorical stance, which avoids discussions over size and builds upon existing formulations of exploratory, nonhuman rhetorics.


Communicating Technology and Mobility wins 2018 Best Book in Technical or Scientific Communication

By: Ehren Helmut Pflugfelder

Communicating Mobility and Technology: A Material Rhetoric for Persuasive Transportation recently received the Best Book in Technical or Scientific Communication award at the 2018 Conference on College Composition and Communication.