Thomas  Ogg Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Thomas Ogg


Thomas Ogg is a barrister at 11KBW, practicing in financial regulation, employment and commercial law. He was previously seconded to the Financial Conduct Authority’s Enforcement Legal Group and its General Counsel Division, and now regularly advises on contentious financial services matters.

Subjects: Law


Thomas Ogg is a barrister at 11KBW specialising in employment law and financial services regulation.  He frequently advises on both employment and regulatory matters in tandem.  During the legal year 2013/14, he was seconded to the Financial Conduct Authority, during which Tom sat in the Enforcement Division’s Legal Group, and in the General Counsel Division.  He appears in the employment tribunal for cases in a wide range of industries, and acts for both claimants and respondents.  Prior to joining the Bar, Tom taught mathematics to teenagers who had been permanently expelled from school at the London Boxing Academy Community Project, which is the subject matter of his book Boxing Clever.


    BA, MSc (Oxon), GDL (London)

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Regulatory law; employment law; public law.

Personal Interests




Featured Title
 Featured Title - Conduct and Pay - Leiper & Ogg - 1st Edition book cover