Tendayi  Bloom Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Tendayi Bloom

Lecturer in Politics and International Studies
University of Birmingham, UK

Tendayi Bloom is interested in questions of noncitizenship, statelessness, and human mobility. She is a Lecturer in Politics and International Studies at the University of Birmingham.

Subjects: Law, Philosophy


Tendayi's work focuses on the relationship between noncitizens and States, and between noncitizens and the multi-State system. She shows how theoretical approaches can help in understanding real-world contexts and she uses real-world contexts to inform theory. She has published five books with Routledge. They all address topics relating to noncitizenship, statelessness and migration. All of them are currently available with a discount if you use the code FLR40 when ordering through the Routledge website.

Her latest book, 'Noncitizenism: Recognising Noncitizen Capabilities in a World of Citizens', was published in 2018 and is currently available for purchase in hardback.

The paperback of 'Understanding Statelessness', which she produced with Katherine Tonkiss and Phillip Cole will be available soon. In the meantime, you can get hold of it in the hardback version, which was first published in 2017.

The paperback of 'Theorising Noncitizenship: Concepts, Debates and Challenges', which she produced with Katherine Tonkiss, is now available for pre-order. Alternatively, you can get hold of the hardback right away.

'Understanding Migrant Decisions: From Sub-Saharan Africa to the Mediterranean Region' which she produced with Belachew Gebrewold and was first published in 2015 is now available in paperback.


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Noncitizenism - Bloom - 1st Edition book cover