Joanna  Grace Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Joanna Grace

The Sensory Projects

Joanna is an international Sensory Engagement and Inclusion Specialist working to contribute to a future where people are understood in spite of their differences.


Joanna grew up at sea aboard a concrete boat designed and built by her parents. Once on land her childhood and teenage years were typified by passionate interests and obsessions.

Joanna is a Sensory Engagement Specialist, trainer, author, and TEDx speaker. She is a qualified teacher and has worked in specialist and mainstream settings with students of all ages and abilities. Outside of the classroom Joanna has inspected schools provision for children with additional learning needs, written curriculum documents for local authorities, charities and NGOs and been a registered Foster Carer providing support for children with profound special needs and their families. She has also worked within adult care supporting staff and families in their provision for people with complex disabilities and Dementia.

Joanna set up The Sensory Projects in 2010 and in them has found a passion to take her through life. The Sensory Projects work to share the knowledge and creativity required to turn inexpensive items into effective tools for inclusion. Joanna is eternally grateful to the 159 backers of her successful Sensory Stories Kickstarter project who brought The Sensory Projects into the public arena.

Joanna lives in rural Cornwall with her young son.

Joanna is autistic


    Bachelors degree in Philosophy
    Masters in Special Educational Needs
    Doctorate in Belonging for people with profound disabilities

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Profound and multiple learning disabilities
    Sensory engagement



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Subtle Spectrum Autistic Discovery (Grace) - 1st Edition book cover