Leyla  Ziyal Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Leyla Ziyal

Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist and Principal
Accent Psychological Therapies in the Community

Leylâ Ziyal is an HCPC registered Chartered Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. She is the Principal of ă'ccent Psychology her own community-based consultancy in clinical [neuro] psychology assessment, therapy and rehabilitation. Web-site: www.accentpsychology.co.uk


Leyla has started  a new role as Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist and Supervisor at Headley Court.  Until recently she was Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist at the Stroke Unit at Ipswich Hospital. Before that she held the role of Clinical Lead at Askham Community Village and that of Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist at Elm Park Brain Injury Services, Colchester.
Prior to that and until October 2008  she held the role of  Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Team Coordinator in Psychological Therapies in Primary Care at South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust.
She is an Expert Witness in the fields of: Head Injury, Neurological Diseases, Neuropsychological Assessment and Rehabilitation, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Occupational Stress, Careers and Earning Loss, Vocational Rehabilitation, Guidance and Training.

She prepares reports for the Court in the above fields.  Her work has   involved both Claimant and Defence Solicitors on an instruction basis.
She has published many articles and organised and participated in many conferences and seminars.  Her book, Me Before/ Me After: A Group Rehabilitation Programme for Brain Injury Survivors  will be  published on 03 July 2017.  She is currently working on her second book: Brain Injury Rehabilitation for the Real World: Planning Service to Deliver Gain.


    M Phil

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    2017: Me Before /Me after: A Group Rehabilitation Programme for Brain Injury Survivors (being published 03 July 2017)
    2017: Real World Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Planning  Service to Deliver Gain (in preparation)
    2014  Laura:  Acquired brain injury – the neuropsychological/multi-disciplinary perspective.”
           :  Case Presentation Laura: paper given at East of England Brain Injury Forum
    2013:  Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Anxiety and Depression: Why and how does it work?  Paper/Workshop presented at Colchester General Practitioners’ Training Event                
    2012  Application of CBT to Acquired Brain Injury Survivors  Liverpool University Acquired Brain Injury   Conference
    2010  Connecting with the Person Behind the Injury  Partnerships in Care Brain Injury      Services Conference
    2009   Family Matters in Acquired Brain In jury:  Brain Waves, Spring Issue; Journal of Partnerships in Care Brain Injury Services
    2008   Working with Depression in Primary care: The stepped Care Model;  
               PTiPC; SWLStG’s  
    2007    Working  with  the  Elderly  in Primary care  PTiPC; SWLStG’s
    2006 Working with Personality  Disorder in Primary care  PTiPC; SWLStG’s  

    2005   Integrating Clinical Governance  at Elm Park Brain Injury Services  
               paper given  at Clinical Governance conference at Partnerships in Care
         The Fruits Of Our Clinical Governance Strategy: Our Achievements This Year’ paper given at Unit Presentation, Elm Park
    Unit Quality Report:
    Presentation to  corporate headquarters
    Neuropsychology Services For Outreach At Elm Park’
    Paper Presented At Eastern Region Acquired Brain Injury Forum, Cambridge
    Engaging Cognitions in a Behaviour Modification Setting:
    paper prepared and read at journal club, Elm Park
    Cognitive Retraining, Cognitive Re-Orientation and Activities of Daily Life: Transdisciplinary Rehabilitation Strategy for Survivors of Acquired Brain Injury’ prepared and presented to solicitors
    1998    Using Critical Performance Demands to fill a key post: Hoechst        
                Marion Roussel         Competency,  Vol 5 No 3
    1996    Definition of critical performance demands: a new approach to
                competency      Competency, Vol 4, No 6                                                    
    1995    Why the best salesperson is not the best sales manager
                Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol 10, No. 4
    1992    Making decisions on people in business:  method and measurement
                Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol 6 No 3
    1991    The single psychological test (or test system): measuring for hope
                Journal of managerial Psychology, Vol 6, No 2
    1989    When is an illness organic? Focusing the mind
                Paper given at Seminar of Charter Clinic Chelsea
    1986    Abstracting Ability in the Frontal Lobe Syndrome and in  Schizophrenic
                Thought Disorder:  how does the loss compare?
                Paper given at teaching  Seminar of  West Middlesex University Hospital
    1982    Why Oedipus?
                New Forum; Psychology & Psychotherapy Association
    1981    Truth in Psychotherapy
                New Forum; Psychology & Psychotherapy Association
    1979    Getting the Message: a Study in Communication;
                New Forum; Psychology & Psychotherapy Association

Personal Interests

    Match Point Bridge
    Baroque Music
    T S Eliot
    Politics and Current Affairs
    What makes people tick



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Me Before / Me After - 1st Edition book cover