Nancy S. Niemi Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Nancy S. Niemi

Director, Faculty Teaching Initiatives
Yale University

Nancy Niemi’s commitment to educational and social equity is evidenced in her work with universities across the country and in her research and publications throughout her career. Her experience in education includes positions as Professor and Chair of the Education Department at the University of New Haven as well as an elected school board member and as a middle school English teacher. Niemi’s continuing professional passion centers on the intersections of gender equity and higher educat


Nancy S. Niemi has over 30 years’ experience in education, including roles as middle school teacher, Education professor, research, writer, administrator, and elected school official. Niemi has overseen the development of new degree programs and curriculum, and has collaborated with teaching colleagues as they develop effective and innovative pedagogies. Working with new and seasoned professors of all levels as they create meaningful student learning remains a central focus of her current work. She is looking forward to continuing her career in higher education leadership, with a special interest in institutions that are working to create a strong presence in the new educational landscape.

Nancy has published widely about the relationships between educational excellence and professional & personal success.  In particular, she is committed to fostering social equity through education. Her research has included studies on women’s representation in children’s fiction, high school civics teachers’ use of politics in discussion, the treatment of adjunct faculty, gender and its relationship to college attendance, gender identities and their development in schools, and the inclusion of sexual orientation discussions in elementary school curriculum.

Additionally, Niemi continues to serve as a visiting team member for the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education; she is the recent Past President of the American Association of the Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) – CT, and she is a long-time board member of The Respect Institute (Berkeley, CA).  She is active on Yale University’s Title IX Steering Committee, and a consultant for numerous colleges and universities in the areas of diversity and inclusion development.


    PhD, Curriculum and Instruction University of Rochester 2001
    BA, English Literature University of Rochester 1984

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Niemi's research continues to center on the intersections of gender equity and higher education.  She is passionately interested in issues of education as they relate to social equity and her research explores multiple facets of these relationships.  Her research also explores the continuing development of higher education policy in the United States.

    Her professional expertise includes developing inclusive strategies with instructors, as well as the ways in which higher education privileges certain kinds of knowledge and leadership.

Personal Interests

    Niemi's personal interests span the range from reading and architecture, to typographical development, and cooking.  She is an avid walker, and particularly enjoys wide-ranging hikes in familiar and new places.


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Degrees of Difference - 1st Edition book cover