Mikael  Granberg Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Mikael Granberg

Professor of political science, director
The Centre for Climate and Safety, Karlstad University

Mikael Granberg is professor of political science and the director of the Centre for Climate & Safety (CCS), Karlstad University, and a research fellow and board member of the national strategic research area the Centre for Natural hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS), Sweden. His main focus is society's handling of challenges from global climate change and if and how institutionalized political practices and norms facilitates or hinders collective action.


    PhD, political science, Örebro University, Sweden



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Local Action on Climate Change- Moloney et al - 1st Edition book cover


Local Government Studies

Renewal of Local Governance in Scandinavia: Effects for Local Politicians

Published: Jan 02, 2000 by Local Government Studies
Authors: Kleven, Terje, Toini S. Floris, Mikael Granberg, Stig Montin, Olaf Rieper and Signy Irene Vabo

During the last decade, numerous local government reforms influenced by NPM ideology have taken place throughout Scandinavia. Based on case studies in three Scandinavian municipalities, the article discusses the effects of introducing strategic political management on the role of councillors. We observe a conflict between NPM‐inspired management ideas and a deeply institutionalised, traditional view of councillors as representatives.