Simonetta  Armondi Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Simonetta Armondi

Associate Professor in Political and Economic Geography
Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano

I am an Associate Professor in Political and Economic Geography at the Politecnico di Milano, teaching Urban Geography and Urban Planning. My research activities focus on one side on urban change and economic restructuring related to contemporary rescaling, on the other side on public policies, in which old and new spatial narratives are mobilized. I am currently editor of the Journal of Urban Technology and a member of the Italian Geographers Association.


2017: Economic geographies in the Milan urban region: the city of Lodi.
2014-2016: PRIN Postmetropolitan Territories (National Research Project), member of the Politecnico di Milano research unit.
2003 - 2016: Research Fellow for research projects focused on territorial development policies and shrinking cities and territories at the Politecnico di Milano.
2004 - 2017: Adjunct Professor in Urban and Regional Analysis and Territorial Development Policies, Politecnico di Milano.

1 Armondi S., Di Vita S., eds. (2017) Milan. Productions, Spatial Patterns and Urban Change, Abingdon: Routledge, forthcoming,
2 Armondi S., Di Vita S., eds. (2017)  Special Issue on “Contemporary Productions, Innovative Workplaces and Urban Space. Projects and Policies”, special issue, Journal of Urban Technology,.
3 Armondi S., (2017) “State rescaling and new metropolitan space in the age of austerity. Evidence from Italy”, Geoforum, 81, 174–179
4 Armondi S., Bruzzese A., (2017) “Contemporary Productions and Urban Change. Case of Milan”, Journal of Urban Technology,
5 Armondi S., (2015) “Equivoci e possibilità del paradigma della smart city. Quale narrazione nell’agenda urbana italiana?”, in Città tra sviluppo e declino. Un'agenda urbana per l'Italia, a cura di A. Calafati, , Roma: Donzelli.
6 Armondi S., (2011) Disabitare. Storie di spazi separati, Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli.


    2003, PhD Politecnico di Milano.
    2000, Master Politecnico di Milano.
    1996, Degree in Architecture, Master of Science Degree.

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    My research interests are primarily involved with the following issues:
    - Urban change, urban shrinkage, spatial restructuring and public policies.
    - The theory and politics of rescaling in urban geography and regional governance.
    - Geographies of urban productions and reconfiguration of workplaces.

Personal Interests



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Milan - ARMONDI AND DI VITA - 1st Edition book cover


Geoforum vol. 81

State rescaling and new metropolitan space in the age of austerity.

Published: May 01, 2017 by Geoforum vol. 81
Authors: Simonetta Armondi
Subjects: Urban Studies, Geography

This article presents the changes that are emerging in Italy. It examines whether the understanding of the new metropolitan scale in the Italian geography of austerity can be strengthened through a careful engagement with the body of literature on state rescaling. The paper illustrates how that the apparently neutral emphasis on metropolitan city scale, implies a rescaling of public power, neglects the multifaceted notion of the urban and the trans-scalar territorial governance relationships.

Journal of Urban Technology

Contemporary Productions and Urban Change. The Case of Milan

Published: May 01, 2017 by Journal of Urban Technology
Authors: Simonetta Armondi, Antonella Bruzzese
Subjects: Urban Studies, Geography

How do new sites of production and workplaces relate to the making of urban change in Milan’s peripheral areas? The paper answers this question by looking at two different fields of investigation. On one hand, the policies promoted by the public administration to enhance urban innovation through new workplaces within the smart city agenda. On the other hand, the urban innovation brought by cultural and creative industries promoted by private actors.


New book

By: Simonetta Armondi


New Urban Geographies of the Creative and Knowledge Economies

Foregrounding Innovative Productions, Workplaces and Public Policies in Contemporary Cities

Edited by Simonetta Armondi, Stefano Di Vita

© 2018 – Routledge

126 pages


'Geography of Governance' - 2017 Annual Conference _ 2nd Call for Papers

By: Simonetta Armondi
Subjects: Geography , Urban Studies

International Geographical Union  Commission 'Geography of Governance'


Annual Conference


19 - 21 October 2017 


Department of Cultural Heritage - University of Salento

Lecce - Italy

 Call for Papers

Deadline July 20th 2017



The 2017 Annual Conference of the IGU Commission on ‘Geography of Governance’ (IGU-GoG), organized in collaboration with the Department of Cultural Heritage - University of Salento, will be held in Lecce, Italy, 19 - 21 October 2017.


The Conference aims to explore and to discuss the changes, challenges and opportunities confronting Local Governance in the context of the new urban paradigm associated with the HABITAT III New Urban Agenda, a 20-year strategy for sustainable urbanization, adopted in October 2016 in Quito, Ecuador. 

Considering the commitments for action associated with this new urban paradigm, the Conference aims to address, but is not limited to, the following issues:


(a) The role of local government in the definition and implementation of more inclusive, transparent, accountable, effective and transformational local  policies  for sustainable and resilient urban development.


(b) Sustainable, people-centred, long-term, and integrated approaches to urban development.


(c) New ways to plan,  finance,  govern,  and  manage  cities  and  other non-urban / rural settlements.


(d) Multi-stakeholder, multi-level institutional cooperation among all tiers of government. National urban policies and the changing role of sub-national government in urban development.


(e) The roles of cities/city-regions within transnational / national planning and governance schemes.


(f) Policy transfer across local and city-regional entities.


(g) Global urban policy principles and local governance practices: correspondence and disjuncture.


(h) Alternative visions and alternative models for local governance.


(i) Climate change and the challenges for local governance.


(j) The governance of smart, green and integrated urban transport.


(l) Indicators for the governance of local sustainable development.


We welcome proposals for papers on any of these issues, from different theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. The Conference will be an opportunity for inter-disciplinary discussions on a broad spectrum of innovative research within the field of the Geography of Local Governance.