Srinjoy  Bose Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Srinjoy Bose

Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
University of New South Wales, Sydney

My research agenda is shaped by topics in Critical Peace research including peace transitions, conflict transformation, and the political economy of statebuilding and peacebuilding. I investigate tensions between local and international interests and best practices, the conflictual and destabilising effects of democratisation, debates in political development including governance and governmentality, and the politics and economy of clientelist and patronage networks in fragile states.


I am Lecturer / Assistant Professor in Politics and International Relations, and I research topics in critical peace/security studies including, political order and violence, international intervention, state formation, conflict transition/transformation, democratisation, warlord/insurgent/rebel governance, and the political economy of statebuilding and peacebuilding in 'fragile' and deeply divided states and societies.

In May 2018 I joined the School of Social Sciences, UNSW. Previously, I was Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at the School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University (UK). Prior to that, from 2011 to 2016, I was Prime Minister's Australia-Asia Endeavour Postgraduate Award scholar at The Australian National University (ANU), where I earned my PhD in Politics and International Relations. I also consult as a geopolitics, security, and NGO analyst. In my different professional capacities, I work with public-sector experts, government officials, diplomats, UN/World Bank and INGO representatives, activists, and even armed groups.

I am co-Editor of Hybridity in Peacebuilding and Development: a Critical and Reflexive Approach (London: Routledge, 2019), Hybridity on the Ground in Peacebuilding and Development: Critical Conversations (Canberra: The ANU Press, 2018), Afghanistan - Challenges and Prospects (London: Routledge, 2017), 'Critical Hybridity in Peacebuilding and Development' (Third World Thematics: a TWQ Journal 2:4, 2017/2018), and 'Elections and the State: Critical Perspectives on Democracy Promotion in Afghanistan' (Conflict, Security and Development 16:6, 2016). In addition, I have published in several leading peer-reviewed journals including Third World Thematics: a TWQ Journal, Global Responsibility to Protect, Conflict, Security and Development, Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, India Review, and Australian Journal of International Affairs. I also serve on the Editorial Board of the journal Global Policy.


    PhD. The Australian National University, 2016
    B.A. Honours. Otago University, 2005

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    International Relations
    Comparative Politics
    Peace & Security
    Conflict Research
    International Development



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Afghanistan - Challenges and Prospects - Bose et al - 1st Edition book cover


Third World Thematics

Hybridity in peacebuilding and development: a critical approach

Published: Mar 21, 2018 by Third World Thematics
Authors: Miranda Forsyth, Lia Kent, Sinclair Dinnen, Joanne Wallis and Srinjoy Bose

We demonstrate the multiple ways to embrace the benefits of the concept of hybridity, while also guiding scholars through some of the potentially dangerous and problematic areas that we have identified through our own engagement with the hybridity concept and by learning from the critiques of others. This pathway, which we have termed ‘critical hybridity’, identifies eight approaches that are likely to lead scholars towards a more reflexive and nuanced engagement.

India Review

Indian and Chinese foreign policy imperatives andstrategies vis-à-vis Afghanista

Published: Nov 14, 2016 by India Review
Authors: Srinjoy Bose and Ankit Panda

In this article, the authors conduct a comparative review of the strategic imperatives driving Sino-Indian policy on Afghanistan in the post-2014 scenario. The article argues that divergent strategic imperatives make cooperation difficult and/or unlikely.

Australian Journal of International Affairs

Afghanistan: 'spoilers' in the regional security context

Published: Sep 23, 2016 by Australian Journal of International Affairs
Authors: Nishank Motwani and Srinjoy Bose

The ongoing international military withdrawal from Afghanistan has set the stage for the possible return of the Taliban in some form which could compel Afghanistan’s current external partners—Iran, India and Russia—to turn into limited spoilers. The absence of an international guarantor in Afghanistan from December 2014 is likely to encourage Pakistan—a greedy spoiler—to intensify its meddling as a means to reposition the Taliban—a total spoiler—at the helm of Afghan affairs.

Conflict, Security and Development

Flooding the lake? International democracy promotion and the political economy o

Published: Aug 12, 2016 by Conflict, Security and Development
Authors: Jonathan Goodhand, Astri Suhrke, and Srinjoy Bose

The paper employs a political economy framework to understand the more focused research on democratisation and elections. The paper highlights some of the major features of the Afghan case that provided a backdrop for the 2014 election. It argues that the pursuit of elections and democratisation efforts more broadly,in a context of growing insecurity and political fragmentation, have had unintended and perverse effects.

Conflict, Security and Development

Political networks and the 2014 Afghan presidential election: power restructurin

Published: Aug 12, 2016 by Conflict, Security and Development
Authors: Timor Sharan and Srinjoy Bose

This article examines power dynamics in political groupings during the 2014 Afghanistan presidential election and assesses the impact on political stability and order. The focus is the power dynamics of local political-economic and identity networks that have come to underpin and constitute the state in post-2001 international state-building.

Journal of Peacebuilding & Development

Youth Interrupted: The Consequences of Urban Displacement for Young Men and Wome

Published: Aug 12, 2016 by Journal of Peacebuilding & Development
Authors: Susanne Schmeidl and Srinjoy Bose

Despite constituting a demographic majority in displacement-affected situations, youth are often invisible. Afghanistan fits this dynamic well. Afghan youth are viewed as either vulnerable or risk factors for conflict, with action limited to ‘exit’ or ‘violence’. This article gives urban displaced Afghan youth a voice by telling their story of being caught between the desire for agency and the real and perceived obstacles that prevent this from happening.