Estelle  Ferrarese Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Estelle Ferrarese

Professor of Moral and Political Philosophy
Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Estelle Ferrarese is a Professor of Political Philosophy at Picardie-Jules-Verne University. She has been a Visiting Professor at the New School for Social Research and an Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation fellow at the Humboldt Universität. Her books include: Vulnerability (Brill, 2018), Ethique et politique de l'espace public. Habermas et la discussion (Vrin, 2015). She is also the author of many articles on Critical Theory, deliberative democracy, and vulnerability as a political category

Subjects: Philosophy


    Habilitation, Philosophy, U. Picardie Jules Verne, 2010
    PhD, Political Science, Université de Paris 8, 2001

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Political philosophy: theories of vulnerability; theories of democracy and deliberation; theories of the political; Critical Theory; nineteenth- and twentieth-century French and German political thought, feminist theory



Featured Title
 Featured Title - The Politics of Vulnerability - 1st Edition book cover