Jay  Marlowe Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Jay Marlowe

Associate Professor
University of Auckland

Associate Professor Marlowe’s research activities are in the areas of refugee studies with a focus on settlement, migration policy and disaster risk reduction. As a social worker and former visiting fellow with the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University, he has experience working with refugee communities as a practitioner and researcher to inform refugee settlement in relation to practice, policy and theory. He has published more than 60 peer reviewed papers in relation to these fields.


Jay’s primary area of research interest focuses upon refugee settlement, social inclusion and ways that migrant communities can participate within civil society. Click on the following links to hear radio interviews about his doctoral research with Sudanese refugees and a recent project on refugee communities' perspectives and responses to the Canterbury Earthquakes.  In 2014, he was co-editor for a special issue on Refugee Resettlement in New Zealand which is open access.

Current Research

    2017: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) -- Crisis Translation, Associate Investigator, €230,000
    2016 – 2017: National Science Challenges, Societal Resliience to Disasters, Auckland Community Resilience Project, Associate Investigator
    2016: Principal Investigator -- Marsden Fast Start, Royal Society of New Zealand, Resettled but not Reunited: Refugees, Belonging and Digital Media, $300,000
    2016:  Engaged Social Science Research Cafe (ESocSci) Aotearoa New Zealand Refugee Settlement Conservatory: Investigating the Questions that Count (with AP Louise Humpage), $17,400
    2014 – 2016: Principal Investigator, Early Career Research Excellence Award, University of Auckland, Information Communication Technologies and Refugee Background Communities: Implications for Disaster Risk Reduction, $25,000
    2013 – 2016: Principal Investigator, Thematic Research Initiative: Transforming Cities, The urban/digital nexus: Participation, belonging and social media in Auckland, $15,000

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

        Refugees and Migrants
        Acculturation and Identity
        Disaster Risk Reduction
        Loss, Grief and Trauma


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Belonging and Transnational Refugee Settlement - Marlowe - 1st Edition book cover