Louise  Tythacott Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Louise Tythacott

Pratapaditya Pal Senior Lecturer in Curating and Museology of Asian Art
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)

Louise’s research focuses on the collecting and display of non-Western artefacts, and she has particular interests in the representation of Chinese and Buddhist material in museums. Her books include, Surrealism and the Exotic (2003), The Lives of Chinese Objects (2011), Museums and Restitution (2014) and Collecting and Displaying China’s ‘Summer Palace’ in the West: The Yuanmingyuan in Britain and France (2018).


Louise studied Social Anthropology with Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Kent at Canterbury. Her post-graduate research was based at the University of Hong Kong where she undertook fieldwork on Chinese folk deity imagery and temple iconography. She studied Chinese at the University of Westminster and holds a PhD from the University of Manchester.

Before moving into academia, Louise worked for 10 years in the museum sector, as Curator of Asian Collections and Head of Ethnology for the National Museums Liverpool, a Curator of The James Green Charitable Trust Burmese collection, and an Exhibitions Officer at The Royal Pavilion, Art Gallery & Museums in Brighton. She continues to work on museum projects and curate exhibitions.

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Collecting and Museum studies, Chinese studies, art history, material culture studies, heritage studies, anthropology.


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Collecting and Displaying the Chinese “Summer; Tythacott - 1st Edition book cover