Mats  Heide Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Mats Heide

Lund University, Campus Helsingborg

Mats Heide (Ph.D., Lund University, 2002), is Professor in Strategic Communication at Department of Strategic Communication, Lund University, Campus Helsingborg, Sweden.


Mats Heide (Ph.D., Lund University, 2002) is Professor in Strate-gic Communication at Department of Strategic Communication, Lund University, Campus Helsingborg. His research interests are strategic communication in general, and more specific crisis communication, change communication and organizational learning. Heide has co-authored twelve books (in Swedish) and one international textbook together with Jesper Falkheimer (Strategic Communication: An Introduction, Routledge, 2018). Heide is also co-editor of Strategic communication, social media and democracy: The challenge of the digital naturals (with Coombs, Falkheimer & Young, Routledge, 2015). His work is published in Corporate Communications: An international journal, International Journal of Strategic Communication, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Communication, Public Relations Inquiry and Public Relations Review. Heide is also published in edited volumes such as Public relations and social theory (Sage 2009), Handbook of crisis management (with Jesper Falkheimer, Wiley-Blackwell 2010), Encyclopedia of public relations II (Sage 2013), Handbook of crisis management (Springer Verlag 2013), Routledge handbook of strategic communication (with Jesper Falkheimer, Routledge 2014), Public relations: Critical concepts in media and cultural studies (with Jesper Falkheimer, Routledge 2014), Encyclopedia of quality and the service economy (Sage 2014), Handbook of critical public relations (with Jesper Falkheimer, Routledge 2015), Encyclopedia of Strategic communication (Wiley 2018), Handbook of Communication Engagement (with Charlotte Simonsson, Wiley 2018), Handbook of Public Sector Communication (with Charlotte Simonsson, Wiley 2019), and Public relations and social theory (Sage 2019).


    Ph.D., Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2002

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Strategic communication, organizational communication, public relations, crisis communication, internal crisis communication, change communication


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Strategic Listening: Heide - 1st Edition book cover


Stockholm, The Swedish Communication Association

The Communicative Organisation – Final report

Published: Sep 11, 2020 by Stockholm, The Swedish Communication Association
Authors: Mats Heide, Charlotte Simonsson, Howard Nothhaft, Rickard Andersson & Sara von Platen
Subjects: Communication Studies, Business, Management and Accounting

Seven steps towards becoming a communicative organization 1. Develop an understanding of communication. 2. Review value creation, goals, and measurement. 3. Reflect on the competencies, placements, and tasks of communication professionals. 4. Create an open communication climate that fosters trust. 5. Put management’s communication on the map. 6. Help managers in their roles as sensemakers – modernize internal communication. 7. Support employees in their communicative tasks.