Helen Joanna Boon Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Helen Joanna Boon

Associate Professor
James Cook University

A/Prof Helen Boon teaches educational psychology and behaviour management at James Cook University. Helen has a strong research interest in climate change and the intersection of ethics, climate change and adaptation to climate change, as well as community resilience to disasters. Helen’s preferred research methods include structural equation and Rasch modelling. She has led interdisciplinary and ARC funded projects with partners from Medicine, Public Health, and Environmental Sciences..


A/Prof  Helen Boon teaches educational psychology, special needs and behaviour management at James Cook University. After initial training in Chemistry and Physiology Helen obtained a doctorate in educational psychology.   Helen has a strong research interest in climate change and the intersection of ethics, climate change and adaptation to climate change, as well as community resilience to disasters. Helen’s preferred research methods include structural equation and Rasch modelling. She has led interdisciplinary and ARC funded projects with partners from Medicine, Public Health, and Environmental Sciences in resilience to disaster and ethics. Recent publications include Recovery from Disaster: resilience, adaptability and perceptions of climate change. Published by  the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast and   Disasters and Social Resilience: a bioecological approach, published by Routledge. Helen is currently working on a Canadian funded ethics project.


    BSc (Hons I); PGCE; PhD

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    My preferred research methods as quantitative, including structural equation modelling and Rasch analysis as well as mixed methods using narrative analysis.

Personal Interests

    Neuroscience, climate change, ethics and community resilience.



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Disasters and Social Resilience- Boon et al - 1st Edition book cover


Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Ethics Education in Australian Preservice Teacher Programs: A Hidden Imperative?

Published: Mar 16, 2018 by Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Authors: HJ Boon, Bruce Maxwell

This paper provides a snapshot of the current approach to ethics education in accredited Australian pre-service teacher programs.

Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Pre-Service Teachers and Climate Change: A Stalemate?

Published: Mar 03, 2016 by Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Authors: Helen J Boon

Findings from the second phase of a study of pre-service teachers' attitudes to environmental education and knowledge of climate change are reported in this paper.

Natural Hazards

Disaster resilience in a flood-impacted rural Australian town

Published: Mar 17, 2014 by Natural Hazards
Authors: Helen Boon
Subjects: Environment and Sustainability

This paper reports exploratory research conducted in a flood-impacted rural Australian town to identify the factors which residents perceived as supporting communityresilience to disaster. Since Australia is predicted to be highly impacted by the effects of climate change inthe form of an increased incidence of flooding, an urgent need exists to examine the factors that confer resilience to disaster-impacted localities to inform suitable disaster mitigation and adaptation policies for the future

Natural Hazards

Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory for modelling community resilience to natural disasters

Published: Mar 01, 2012 by Natural Hazards
Authors: Helen J. Boon,Alison Cottrell David King Robert B. Stevenson Joanne Millar

This paper advocates the use of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory as a framework to analyse resilience at diverse scales.



Diversity in Disaster 17-18 April 2018 - MCG, Melbourne

By: Helen Joanna Boon
Subjects: Built Environment, Environment and Sustainability, Family Studies, Psychology

Diversity in Disaster

17-18 April 2018 - MCG, Melbourne

Melbourne, MCG

Every year people and communities across Australia experience emergencies and natural disasters, but not all members of communities are equally affected.

Many people from diverse, marginalised or underrepresented communities experience disasters differently, facing unique challenges that influence their ability to respond and recover.

International speakers and Australian speakers including Helen Boon will be presenting