Steven F. Jackson Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Steven F. Jackson

Professor of Political Science
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

I am most interested in the international relations of East Asian countries, their foreign policies, and the evolution of those policies. I have been studying Chinese foreign policy in particular since the late 1970s. I was fortunate to have lived in Xi'an China from 1981-83, and have visited China frequently since, and have watched the immense changes and evolution of that country.


    AB Stanford 1981, PhD University of Michigan 1994

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Comparative government, international relations, foreign policy analysis, Chinese foreign policy and politics, Japanese foreign policy, technology in education, gaming and simulation in education

Personal Interests

    Cooking, travel, short animated films


Featured Title
 Featured Title - China’s Regional Relations in Comparative Perspective (Jackson) - 1st Edition book cover