Joshua Adam Gordon Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Joshua Adam Gordon

Instructor of Sports Business and Law | Principal Consultant
University of Oregon | Sports Conflict Institute

Joshua A. Gordon, JD, MA has been a leading business and legal strategist for more than 25 years, and an experienced educator, consultant, negotiator, facilitator, and organizational capability builder. Gordon teaches sports business and law at the University of Oregon and started the Sports Conflict Institute. @joshuagordon


A leading business and legal strategist for more than twenty five years, Gordon is an experienced educator, consultant, negotiator, facilitator, and organizational capability builder. Gordon specializes in sports industry strategy and crisis management that builds upon a deep history of contexts that have included business-to-business, organizational change, energy, environmental, real estate and housing, family, and gang-related challenges. He is the founder and lead practitioner at the Sports Conflict Institute (SCI), which supports competitive goals in athletics through understanding, preventing, and resolving destructive conflict inside and outside the lines and specializes in building high performing team culture.

Gordon has advised on complex negotiations and taught executives in companies such as HP, Young & Rubicam, Ogilvy, and McDonalds. He coached two University of Oregon Law School students to a National Championship in the ABA Negotiation Competition. He especially appreciates and enjoys complex, multi-party conflict that requires non-traditional solutions to impasse.

Gordon has developed creative organizational solutions to ensure competitive success for a number of teams and leagues from collegiate through the professional levels. He has presented to audiences that have included individuals and teams from the NCAA, NBA, NFL, MLS, NRL, MLB, USATF, USTA, PGA, LPGA, and ATP.


    BA, Psychology and Sociology, University of Massachusetts
    MA, Dispute Resolution, University of Massachusetts
    JD, Suffolk University Law School

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    sports conflict; negotiation, sports business strategy, assessment, crisis management, high performance culture, sports marketing

Personal Interests

    running, tennis, racquetball, ping-pong, german shepherds



Featured Title
 Featured Title - The Sports Playbook: Gordon, Furlong & Pendleton - 1st Edition book cover