Paulo  Ravecca Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Paulo Ravecca

PhD in Political Science
Universidad de la República (Uruguay)

Paulo Ravecca is Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the Universidad de la República, Uruguay. His research focus includes epistemology and the history of political science; the intersections between critical theories (queer, neo-marxist, postcolonial, and poststructural approaches); political economy and international relations; and gender and sexuality. He is the author of The Politics of Political Science: Re-Writing Latin American Experiences.



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 Featured Title - Politics of Political Science Latin America (Ravecca) - 1st Edition book cover


Revista de Ciencias Sociales

Pensamientos críticos: apuntes para una definición

Published: Dec 01, 2018 by Revista de Ciencias Sociales
Authors: Anabel Rieiro, Eduardo Rinesi and Paulo Ravecca
Subjects: Anthropology - Soc Sci

¿Qué es el pensamiento crítico? La sencillez de la pregunta es solo aparente pues, para empezar, nadie tiene el monopolio de “la crítica”. Al fin y al cabo, toda práctica científica desafía algún saber previo. De manera complementaria, y como enseñó Nietzsche, el dogmatismo parece adjuntarse a nombres diversos y quizá sorprendentes. Piénsese, por ejemplo, en el oxímoron “marxismo ortodoxo”, poderoso síntoma de que nadie es inherentemente inmune al conservadurismo.

International Political Sociology

Narrative and the Possibilities for Scholarship

Published: Jun 01, 2018 by International Political Sociology
Authors: Paulo Ravecca and Elizabeth Dauphinee
Subjects: Critical & Creative Life Writing, Political Science

This article explores the recent expansion of narrative approaches in international relations (IR) and the conceptual and political possibilities it brings about. Instead of suggesting a set of criteria through which we should evaluate narrative texts, we investigate what they are already doing in IR scholarship.

Crítica Contemporánea. Revista de Teoría Política

Ideas that can only be (re)counted: Narrative (and) Politics

Published: Dec 27, 2016 by Crítica Contemporánea. Revista de Teoría Política
Authors: Paulo Ravecca and Elizabeth Dauphinee
Subjects: Political Science, Anthropology - Soc Sci

This year the journal contains two sections. The first section is a Dossier on Narrative (and) Politics, edited by Elizabeth Dauphinee and Paulo Ravecca, that aims to critically engage with the narrative turn in the social sciences as well as with the theoretical and political possibilities of narrative approaches. It has pieces in English, Portuguese and Spanish from scholars of different parts of the world. The second part contains articles on different topics of Political Theory.

Revista de Ciencia Política

Our Discipline and its Politics. Authoritarian Political Science: Chile 1979-1989

Published: Jun 01, 2015 by Revista de Ciencia Política
Authors: Paulo Ravecca
Subjects: Political Science

In most accounts Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship is understood to have impeded the development of political science in Chile. This article seeks to destabilize this understanding by showing that important elements of the infrastructure of the discipline were created during, and sometimes by this authoritarian regime.

Jindal GLobal Law Review

Queering Conceptual Boundaries: Assembling Indigenous, Marxist, Postcolonial and Queer Perspectives

Published: Nov 01, 2013 by Jindal GLobal Law Review
Authors: Paulo Ravecca and Nishant Upadhyay
Subjects: Anthropology - Soc Sci

This article suggests the need for imagining assemblages and engagements between queer, Marxist, postcolonial and indigenous perspectives in order to critically confront the complex and ambivalent politics of queerness today.



Paulo Ravecca receiving the Morosoli Prize

Published: Dec 04, 2017

Paulo Ravecca en la Semana de la Democracia

Published: Nov 24, 2018

Secularismo y religión: precaridad (política) compartida

Published: Jul 19, 2016

Horizontes poscapitalistas en el siglo XXI

Published: Jun 13, 2018