Viktor  Johansson Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Viktor Johansson

PhD/Senior Lecturer
Södertörn University

Viktor Johansson is a Senior Lecturer at Södertörn University, where he is teaching early childhood education. His research in philosophy of education is focused on children’s literature, and the ethics and aesthetics of education. He has currently published two monographs, Filosofi i tidig barndom – Omedelbarhetens pedagogik (Gleerups, 2019) and Literature and Philosophical Play in Early Childhood Education (Routledge, 2019).


    Phd, Stockholm University, 2013

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Philosophy of Education, Philosophy of Childhood, Literature, Children's Literature, Wittgenstein, Stanley Cavell, Existentialism

Personal Interests

    Indigenous Philosophy, Indigenous Education, Intercultural Philosophy, Intercultural Education



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Literature and Philosophical Play in Early Childhood Education, Johansson - 1st Edition book cover


Educational Philosophy and Theory

Killing the Buddha: Towards a Heretical Philosophy of Learning

Published: Jan 01, 2018 by Educational Philosophy and Theory
Authors: Viktor Johansson
Subjects: Education, Philosophy

This article explores how different philosophical models and pictures of learning can become dogmatic and disguise other conceptions of learning.

Educational Theory

Unserious but Serious Pilgrimages: What Educational Philosophy can learn about Fiction and Reality from Children’s Artful Play

Published: Nov 01, 2017 by Educational Theory
Subjects: Education, Literature, Philosophy

What happens if we think of children's play as a form of great art that we turn to and return to for inspiration, for education? If we can see play as art, then what and how can we learn from children's play or from playing with them? What can philosophy, or philosophers, learn from children's play? In this essay Viktor Johansson gives examples of what and when children can teach philosophers through play.