DAVID  HILLSON Author of Evaluating Organization Development



Known globally as The Risk Doctor, David Hillson is a thought-leader and expert practitioner who consults, speaks and writes widely on risk management. David has received multiple awards for his ground-breaking work on risk, and many of his innovations are now part of standard practice. David writes widely on risk, with 11 major books, and over 100 papers. He has advised organisations in over 55 countries on how to create value from risk, and his wisdom and insights are in high demand.


Dr David Hillson is The Risk Doctor, an international risk management consultant who leads The Risk Doctor Partnership (www.risk-doctor.com). Having worked in over fifty countries and published eleven major books and more than 100 journal papers and articles on risk, David is recognized globally as a leading thinker and expert practitioner in risk management. He has developed a wide range of innovations in the way risk is understood and managed, many of which have been adopted as standard practice. He is in high demand globally as a keynote speaker on risk, where his talks blend thought-leadership with practical application, presented in an accessible style that combines clarity with humour.

David Hillson’s work has been recognized by a wide range of  professional organizations, notably the Project Management Institute (PMI) and the UK Association for Project Management (APM), both of which have elected him as an Honorary Fellow to mark his work in the risk field. The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) awarded him a fellowship and named him the first IRM “Risk Personality of the Year” in 2010. Dr Hillson was elected a Fellow of the UK Royal Society of Arts (RSA) to contribute to its Risk Commission, and he is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). He has also been invited to advise on strategic risk at national leadership level for several nations facing radical change.

David can be contacted at [email protected].

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Risk management culture, risk appetite, risk attitude
    Opportunity management within the risk process
    Risk perception
    Risk management maturity



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Capturing Upside Risk - 1st Edition book cover



Making Risky & Important Decisions: A Leader’s Guide (NEW)

Subjects: Business, Management and Accounting

Published in June 2021 (ISBN 9780367702342), this book offers practical insights to leaders who need to make good decisions in risky and important situations. The book explains complex ideas simply, and maps a route through the many factors that influence groups making decisions that matter. The approach puts the decision-maker at the centre, and explains how to think and act differently to make better decisions more of the time.

For full details, visit the dedicated MRID website (https://making-decisions.com/)

Latest news from The Risk Doctor, November 2020

Subjects: Business, Management and Accounting

As international travel remains restricted and in-person events are on hold, consulting has taken a back seat this year. Instead I've been focusing on speaking and writing, and I've managed to remain quite productive.

The third edition of "Practical Project Risk Management" was launched in October 2020, and the manuscript for a new book is currently being typeset. Co-authored with Ruth Murray-Webster and titled "Making Risky & Important Decisions", this book provides practical guidance for leaders. This is the fourth book that Ruth and I have written together, and we're excited to have the opportunity to build on our previous work. The new book should be published in Q2 2021 - watch this space!

All speaking engagements have been online, of course, which isn't the same as being there, but much better than nothing! It also provides easy access for a global audience, which is wonderful. This month I was interviewed by the Project Business Foundation, and I also addressed 150 nuclear engineers, project teams and their senior managers in Abu Dhabi. Next week I'll present the closing keynote to over 2000 delegates at the PM2 Alliance 2020 Conference, which usually takes place in Brussels. And in early December I'll chair the risk stream for the Second World Project Management Forum (WPMF2), and present a new paper on the risk mindset.

Best wishes to you all,

Dr David Hillson, The Risk Doctor


Embarrassing outtakes!

Published: Aug 08, 2019

David Hillson as we don't usually see him - making misteaks!!

What exactly is risk management?

Published: Aug 08, 2019

David Hillson, The Risk Doctor, explains how to structure your risk process by asking (and answering) six simple questions.

Humour in risk management

Published: Aug 08, 2019

Humour is a powerful tool in a business setting, but only if it's used well. In this short video, David Hillson, The Risk Doctor, explores how to use humour appropriately, including choosing the right level of humour for the audience, and being sensitive to cultural differences. Use humour to connect , and have fun doing it!