Joel  Glasman Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Joel Glasman

I am a historian with a focus on West and Central Africa. I am interested in the history of governmentality and humanitarianism in the 19th-20th Century.

Subjects: History


I am a historian with a focus on West and Central Africa. My work focusses on the 'bureaucratization of the world' since the 19th Century. I published on the history of bureaucratic classifications, on the history of bureaucrats (especially policemen), and on the history of humanitarian knowledge. My current work focusses on the history of humanitarian governmentality -in which statistical knowledge plays an increasingly important role.  


    PhD, History, 2011 (University of Leipzig)

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    history of the state in Africa
    history of global governmentality
    history of humanitarianism



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Humanitarianism and Human Needs - Glasman PBD - 1st Edition book cover