Jeroen  Klink Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Jeroen Klink


Jeroen Klink has a Bachelor and Master's degree in economics (Tilburg University, the Netherlands) and a PhD in urban planning (University of São Paulo, Brazil). Over the last twenty-five years, he has been active as a consultant and researcher in countries such as the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, Germany, India, South Africa and Brazil.


Jeroen Klink has a Bachelor and Masters degree in economics (Tilburg University, the Netherlands) and a PhD in urban planning (University of São Paulo, Brazil).  Over the last twenty-five years, he has been active as a consultant and researcher in countries such as the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, Germany, India, South Africa and Brazil. In the Netherlands he was a Staff Member of the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (Erasmus University- Rotterdam).  In Brazil, he has worked for nine years in local government, among others as a secretary for development and regional planning in the city of Santo André (Metropolitan São Paulo) and as a Member of the Board of a Regional Development Agency in the industrial heartland of metropolitan São Paulo.

Nowadays he is Professor of urban economics in the Planning Courses (Ba; MsC and PhD) of the Federal University of the ABC region (UFABC). Since 2005 he has been actively involved in the managerial and academic activities associated with the setting up of this new university. He is on the advisory board and does peer reviews for several international academic journals.


    BA Economics, Tilburg University, The Netherlands, 1983
    MSc Economics, Tilburg University, The Netherlands, 1985
    PhD in Urban Planning, University of São Paulo, 2000

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Urban Economics
    Urban Planning
    Metropolitan Governance
    Urban Finance  


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Metropolis, Money and Markets - 1st Edition book cover