Gulnar T Kendirbai Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Gulnar T Kendirbai

Profesor of History
Columbia University, New York

I've been teaching graduate and undergraduate courses on history of the Russian Empire, Central Asia, nomads of the Eurasian Steppes, Islam and Russia, Islam Across Eurasia at Columbia University since 2004. While strongly resonating with these subjects, my research interests expand toward tapping into broader areas of former Soviet Union, colonialism, nationalism, ethnicity, nomadism, and cultural anthropology.

Subjects: History


After earning my second doctorate at the University of Tuebingen (Germany) in 2004, I began teaching graduate and undergraduate courses on the cultural anthropology of Eurasian nomads, the history of imperial Russia, Central Asia, and Islam, and the cultures and civilizations of Muslim Eurasia at Columbia University (New York). My teaching has largely contributed to extending my academic horizon, and, at the same time, sharpening my interest in specific aspects of the region’s history.


    University of Tuebingen (Germany), PhD, 2004

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Russian Empire, former Soviet Union, Central Asia, Inner Asia, frontier studies, Kazakhstan; colonialism, nationalism, ethnicity, Islam, nomadism, cultural anthropology of pastoralism, social and intellectual history of Central Asia

Personal Interests

    The Yuen Method, Latin American dances, Pilates, yoga and swim


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Russian Practices of Governance in Eurasia - Kendirbai - 1st Edition book cover


Inner Asia

The Politics of the Inner Asian Frontier and the 1771 Exodus of the Kalmyks

Published: Oct 23, 2018 by Inner Asia
Authors: Gulnar Kendirbai
Subjects: History

The article revisits the unique episode of Russian imperial history - the 1771 exodus of the tsar's Kalmyk subjects in order to provide new insights into its main reasons.