Mohammad  Azadpur Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Mohammad Azadpur

Professor of Philosophy
San Francisco State University

I am a professor in the Department of Philosophy at San Francisco State University where I also serve as Department Chair. I received my PhD from the University of Virginia (1999) and joined the faculty at SFSU after postdoctoral work at Johns Hopkins University (1999-2002). In my writing, I bring Islamic philosophers (especially those in the Persian traditions) into dialogue with the leading participants in contemporary philosophical trends.

Subjects: Philosophy

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Epistemology (Anti-foundationalism), Philosophy of Mind (Intentionality of Sense Perception) and Ethics (Virtue Ethics and Metaethics), Islamic Philosophy, Wittgenstein and Analytic Hegelians.


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Analytic Philosophy Avicenna Azadpur - 1st Edition book cover