Vally  Lytra Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Vally Lytra

Reader in Languages in Education
Goldsmiths, University of London

Vally Lytra is Reader in Languages in Education at the Department of Educational Studies, at Goldsmiths, University of London. A common thread running through her research, practice and community engagement is a focus on multilingualism, language and literacy teaching and learning in schools, homes and community contexts that have experienced diverse migration flows.

Subjects: Sociolinguistics


I completed my BA in English Language and Literature at the University of Athens, Greece and continued with my graduate studies first at Georgetown University, Washington DC (MSc Applied Linguistics, 1996) and then at King's College London (PhD Sociolinguistics, 2003). Before joining Goldsmiths, I lectured at other London Universities and at the English Department, University of Bern, in Switzerland.

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    I work across applied linguistics, sociolinguistics and language education. My research interests are:
    multilingualism; community and minority languages education; inclusive language pedagogies; faith literacies; language, ethnicity and diaspora; language ideologies; family language policy; international education; ethnographic, biographical and collaborative research methodologies. I have conducted fieldwork in Greece, the UK, and Switzerland.

Personal Interests

    I enjoy traveling, walking, cooking and reading fiction in Greek, English and French.  


Featured Title
 Featured Title - Navigating Languages, Literacies and Identities; Lytra et al - 1st Edition book cover