Riccardo  Moratto Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Riccardo Moratto

Shanghai International Studies University

Prof. Dr. Riccardo Moratto, PhD, FCIL, (莫冉教授) is Professor of Translation Studies at the Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation (GIIT), Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), AIIC member and member of Assointerpreti, Honorary Guest Professor (榮譽客座教授) at Nanjing Agricultural University, and general editor of two series at Routledge.


AIIC Member 国际会议口译员协会(AIIC)会员
Member of Assointerpreti
Chartered Linguist and Fellow Member of Royal Chartered Institute of Linguists, UK
Expert member of Translators Association of China (中国翻译协会专家会员)
Honorary Member of Associação de Tradutores de Macau (澳门翻译协会荣誉会员)

Prof. Dr. Riccardo Moratto (FCIL) is Professor at the Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation (GIIT), Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), AIIC member and member of Assointerpreti. Professor Moratto is editor-in-chief (主编) of Interpreting Studies for Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press (外教社), editor-in-chief (主编) of Routledge Studies in East Asian Interpreting and Routledge Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Approaches to Chinese Literature. Professor Moratto is also Honorary Guest Professor at the College of Foreign Studies, Nanjing Agricultural University, Visiting Scholar at Shandong University, Honorary Research Fellow at the Center for Translation Studies of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Expert Member of the Translators Association of China (TAC), Honorary Member of Associação de Tradutores de Macau, Full Member of the European Society for Translation Studies and the European Association of Chinese Studies. Prof. Moratto is a Chartered Linguist and Fellow Member of CIoL, an international conference interpreter and renowned literary translator.

Professor Moratto has taught at numerous universities and published extensively in the fields of translation studies, Chinese studies and Chinese literary translation. Professor Moratto has served as a reviewer and editorial board member for several prestigious international journals in Chinese literature, translation, linguistics, and cultural studies. At the same time, he has also been engaged in translation practice, translation teaching and research for over fifteen years, and has translated the literary works of many modern and contemporary writers. Professor Moratto has been a visiting or guest professor at many prestigious universities in China and abroad. Professor Moratto is a native bilingual speaker and a polyglot. He speaks several languages, including English (native), Italian (native), Chinese, French, Norwegian, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog (Filipino) Thai, Vietnamese and Indonesian. Professor Moratto has also worked as a TV host for Taiwanese television.

2007年毕业于罗马三大语言学与国际传播系,获得学士学位 (主修汉语及中国文学) 。

莫冉(Riccardo Moratto))教授是一位资深翻译家,现为上海外国语大学高级翻译学院教授、南京农业大学外国语学院客座教授、威尼斯大学特聘专家、山东大学访问学者、广东外语外贸大学翻译学研究中心荣誉兼职研究员、国际会议口译员协会(AIIC)会员、中国翻译协会专家会员、澳门翻译协会荣誉会员、杭州市公共外语标识规范化工作专家委员会顾问、欧洲翻译研究学会会员及欧洲汉学学会会员,获选为英国皇家特许语言专家学会(CIOL))会士(Fellow)。于2019年任第八届海峡两岸口译大赛华中赛区湖南选拔赛中荣获特等奖学生的导师, 并于2020年担任中国视频译制大赛评审专家及中欧国际文学节主持人。
莫冉从事翻译教研、翻译实践等相关工作15年,担任多个翻译学、语言学、文化研究著名国际期刊评审专家、编委及审稿人,担任劳特里奇(Routledge)出版社《Routledge Studies in East Asian Interpreting》书系主编、《Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Approaches to Chinese Literature》书系主编,也是上海外语教育出版社口译丛书主编。
主要笔译代表作有《习近平讲故事(少年版)》《人间词话》《咏而归》《封锁》《石榴树上结樱桃》《应物兄》《黄雀记》《阿莲》等。他常年从事中国文学作品外译工作,曾翻译过阮籍、胡适、王国维、韩少功、李敬泽、李洱、林白、苏童、纪蔚然、汤素兰、陈浩基、小白、郭敬明等中国作家作品 。

 世界与中国 | 将中国故事高质量分享给世界——访上海外国语大学教授莫冉 中国社会科学报 2023-09-22 13:50 发表于北京https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/r6CU0omQrquR4BhcPmnNCw

1. 文铮,北京外国语大学欧洲语言文化学院教授
给予《人间词话》意译本极高评价,认为是“目前最完整、最忠实的外文译本”。文铮认为这本译着代表着“自利玛窦以来的中意文化交流传统又一次得到了完美的印证和延续”。文铮還說“利玛窦应该是第一个能用中文创作中国诗歌,并备受中国知识分子推崇的西方人。我相信,随着这部意大利文《人间词话》的问世,莫冉教授也会成为一位利玛窦式的人物。”收入于Moratto R. Considerazioni sulla poesia ci nel mondo. 2023. Roma: Orientalia. 尤其 pp 7-8.

2. 李洱,著名作家、茅盾文学奖获得者
在我认识的汉学家当中,来自意大利的著名汉学家Professor Riccardo Moratto莫冉教授,无疑是年轻一代中的佼佼者。他是汉学家的升级版,拥有顶级配置。他的汉语表达能力,足以与中国最优秀的作家相比。我甚至认为,他的汉语水平超出了绝大多数中国作家。他在不同语际之间穿行的姿态,令我想起杜甫的名句:“穿花蛱蝶深深见,点水蜻蜓款款飞。传语风光共流传,暂时相赏莫相违。”如果说与杜诗所写的境界有什么不同,那就是他并非“暂时相赏”,而是能够深刻地体认不同语言、不同文化的差异和奇妙,并且能够准确地将它诉诸语言。也就是说,他既是穿花蛱蝶,又是花朵本身;他既是点水蜻蜓,又是清涟本身。他使我想起了莲花,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,香远益清;他也使我想起了莲花上的蜻蜓,从小荷才露尖尖角开始,他就已经在那里了,所以所有的花语对他来说,就是亲爱的母语。对于写作者和翻译家而言,最重要的品质、最重要的能力,就是能够先行到失败中去,先行到人生的困局、世界的困境、乌托邦的溃败中去,在那里流连忘返,然后道成肉身,化为母语和另一种与母语相亲相爱的语言。而对口译者而言,这无疑是更高的要求,有如持续不断地修行。当这种能力达到极至,它便类似于本能。值得骄傲的是,莫冉完成得好极了。当莫冉把这个修行过程,把春风化雨、种子发芽并且抽穗的过程,展现在读者面前的时候,我认为他向作家、读者,尤其是文学翻译家和口译者,提供了一个可供分析、借鉴的榜样。


    Ph.D., National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, 2013
    M.A., Bologna University, Forlì, 2009
    B.A., Roma Tre University, Rome, 2007

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Translation and interpreting studies, Chinese modern and contemporary literature, interpreting history in China, translation and cultural identities, Chinese literature in translation, public service interpreting (community interpreting), corpus applications to literary and translation studies, sign language interpreting, intercultural communication, Chinese language teaching

