Catherine Anne Marienau Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Catherine Anne Marienau

Professor Emerita
DePaul University

As Professor Emerita at DePaul University, I have devoted my career to mentoring women in their educational and life pursuits. Currently, I teach, write, consult, and speak on neuroscience and adult learning and on various aspects of women aging and ageism. I am co-founder and co-host of the weekly podcast, Women Over 70-Aging Reimagined. I am a certified trainer with NLP University.

Subjects: Healthcare, Nutrition


I have worked in the field of innovative, progressive education for adult learner--BA, Masters, and PhD levels--at DePaul University, University of Minnesota, and Walden University--for five decades. In this context, my expertise is in mentoring and teaching, program development and administration, and curriculum design. I have co-authored several books including (w/ Dr. Kathleen Taylor) Facilitating Learning with the Adult Brain in Mind: A Conceptual and Practical Guide (2016) and Developing Adult Learners: Strategies for Teachers and Trainers (2000). I write and consult in the areas of competency-based learning, reflective practice, women's development, neuroscience and learning, and adult learning principles and practices. I have consulted with colleges in Kenya and Ireland.  I left my full-time faculty position at DePaul in 2019 to devote time to concerns about women aging and ageism, holistic health for women, and end-of-life options. Recently I became a certified trainer with NLP University (neurolinguistic programming). I am learning how to do 'legacy writing.' As a partner (with Gail Zelitzky) in Women Over 70-Aging Reimagined LLC, I am busy with podcasting and speaking and soon will be working on a book. My 97-year-old mother lives in an assisted living facility in my home state of Minnesota; my 32-year-old daughter lives near me in Oak Park, IL. My favorite places to visit are Isla Mujeres, Mexico and Accompong Maroon Village in Jamaica.


    PhD, University of Minnesota, 1982

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    women's experiences of aging; women's development; applications of NLP; holistic health options

Personal Interests

    mind-body-spirit integration; connecting with nature, family and friends; reading--fiction and nonfiction; learning something new.



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