Marc  Jensen Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Marc Jensen

Program Coordinator, University of Oklahoma Lean Institute
University of Oklahoma

My name is Marc Jensen, and I direct the University of Oklahoma Lean Institute. I am passionate about helping organizations become healthier both economically and environmentally through greater efficiency.


Marc Jensen is the director of the University of Oklahoma Lean Institute in the College of Continuing Education, where he teaches, coaches, develops materials, and administers programs.  He specializes in applying lean techniques to environmental sustainability and conservation efforts, driving environmentally conscious economic growth.  Jensen earned his Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification in 2009.  He serves broadly in an advisory capacity on conservation, sitting on several internal OU committees and as a board member of the Oklahoma Recycling Association.  In addition to his work in Lean, Jensen teaches as an adjunct in the music departments for both OU and the University of Indiana.

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    My primary interests lie in the application of tools from Lean Manufacturing to problems associated with environmental sustainability.  By treating environmental wastes as symptoms of inefficient systems, Lean provides a tool to access problems ranging from energy/water conservation, to solid waste and transportation.

    Showing the costs associated with environmental waste, Lean creates a framework to drive environmentally responsible economic growth, and business friendly sustainability work.



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Lean Waste Stream - 1st Edition book cover


Sustainability: The Journal of Record. December 2013, Vol. 6, No. 6: 315-319

Lean Manufacturing as a Tool for Campus Sustainability

Published: Dec 01, 2013 by Sustainability: The Journal of Record. December 2013, Vol. 6, No. 6: 315-319
Authors: Marc Jensen
Subjects: Environmental Science, Business & Management

This article takes a high level view off applying Lean tools to university campuses as drivers for sustainability efforts

Deep Listening Institute

Marking the Contours of the Eternal Moment - Indeterminate Scores 2002-2009

Published: Jan 01, 2009 by Deep Listening Institute
Authors: Marc Jensen

A collection of text-based instructional compositions. These pieces explore systems of sound making that ask performers to self-organize sounds around constructive principles

Tempo / Volume 63 / Issue 247 / January 2009, pp 25-37

The Role of Choice in John Cage's "Cheap Imitation"

Published: Jan 01, 2009 by Tempo / Volume 63 / Issue 247 / January 2009, pp 25-37
Authors: Marc Jensen

An analysis of the compositional choices that underpin the many versions of one of John Cage's seminal pieces, "Cheap Imitation".

Cinema Journal, 48, Number 1, Fall 2008, pp. 51-67 (Article)

"Feed Me!": Power Struggles and the Portrayal of Race in Little Shop of Horrors

Published: Sep 01, 2008 by Cinema Journal, 48, Number 1, Fall 2008, pp. 51-67 (Article)
Authors: Marc Jensen

This article is an analysis of the horror/comedy/musical "Little Shop of Horrors", exploring the history of the musical and the ways in which the conflict of the story is subtly framed in terms of a musical palette that identifies the characters racially. From this perspective, the musical portrays the racial tensions essential to American popular music of the 50s and 60s.

Perspectives of New Music Vol. 46, No. 2 (SUMMER 2008), pp. 243-259

Composing DNA Music within the Aesthetics of Chance

Published: Jul 01, 2008 by Perspectives of New Music Vol. 46, No. 2 (SUMMER 2008), pp. 243-259
Authors: Marc Jensen

This article is an analysis of the chance and indeterminate compositional procedures of John Cage from the perspective of data mapping, comparing his approach to other kinds of representations of data as sound, specifically composers who work with DNA sequences as source material