Richard  Reed Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Richard Reed

Deakin University

Professor Richard Reed (Ph.D) is the inaugural Chair of Property and Real Estate at Deakin University (Melbourne). He has conducted research into many global regions on a range of property related topics, has wide academic experience and has published extensively internationally. He is editor of the journal ‘International Housing Markets and Analysis’ and authored a number of property-related text.


Professor Richard Reed is the inaugural  Chair of Property and Real Estate at Deakin University (Melbourne) and started the undergraduate and postgraduate property courses in 2007. He has wide academic experience and has also worked in the public and private has presented at many national and international property conferences.  He is editor of ‘International Housing Markets and Analysis’ and has authored many property-related books including ’Property Development.’, ‘The Valuation of Real Estate’ and ‘A Greener House’ and He supervises a number of Higher Degree research students and has a close involvement with the property and real estate industry, which is also assisted by his contribution to numerous boards and committees.


    Ph.D (2003), University of Queensland
    B.Bus (1st class hounours), (1996), University of Queensland

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    - Property market analysis
    - Housing markets
    - Urban geography
    - Valuation
    - Certified Practising Valuer
    - Fellow - Australian Property Institute (API)
    - Fellow - RICS

Personal Interests

    - Cyclist focussing on long distance rides
    - Avid collector of motorcycles
    - Any sporting activity Australia competes in at an international level



Featured Title
 Featured Title - PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT - 1st Edition book cover
