Francesco  Cherubini Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Francesco Cherubini

Assistant Professor of EU Law
Luiss "Guido Carli"

I am Assistant Professor of EU Law, at the Department of Political Science of Luiss “Guido Carli”, where I also teach International Organizations and Human Rights. In the same University, I hold the position of Coordinator of the Research Centre on International and European Organizations. My fields of research are EU Law, Human Rights, Asylum Law, Terrorism.


I concluded my PhD in 2008 at the University of Naples "Federico II", while I was already working at Luiss as a scholar in International Law. I began my teaching experience at the Naval Academy of Leghorn in 2009 and then continued at Luiss with different courses, at undergraduate and master level. In 2012, I was Visiting Fellow at LSE Centre for the Study of Human Rights, where I had the chance of finalizing my research on asylum, then published in Italian at the end of 2012 and in English, with an updated version, at the beginning of 2015. At the moment, I am working on the accession of the EU to the ECHR.  

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    EU Law; Human Rights; Asylum Law; Terrorism.

Personal Interests

    Movies; literature (esp. 1800s); fishing.  



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Asylum Law in the European Union; Cherubini - 1st Edition book cover


Ordine internazionale e diritti umani

Asilo e cittadinanza europea alla luce della Carta dei diritti fondamentali

Published: Jul 07, 2014 by Ordine internazionale e diritti umani
Authors: F. Cherubini

An comparison between asylum and citizenship in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU.

Atlante geopolitico del Mediterraneo

La cooperazione fra Unione europea e paesi del Nordafrica nella lotta...

Published: Jul 07, 2014 by Atlante geopolitico del Mediterraneo
Authors: F. Anghelone, A. Ungari

An analysis of EU policy towards North-African countries within the framework of the fight against irregular immigration.

Diritti umani. Cronache e battaglie

I protocolli n. 15 e n. 16 alla Convenzione europea per la salvaguardia...

Published: Aug 08, 2013 by Diritti umani. Cronache e battaglie
Authors: F. Cherubini

A comment on Protocols Nos 15 and 16 to the ECHR.

Studi sull’integrazione europea

Le prime due generazioni di diritti umani: origine, evoluzione e prassi recente

Published: Apr 04, 2013 by Studi sull’integrazione europea
Authors: F. Cherubini

An analysis of the first two generations of human rights: origin, evolution and recent developments.

AWR Bulletin

The Status of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees...

Published: Jul 07, 2012 by AWR Bulletin
Authors: F. Cherubini

Some hypothesis on the relationship between the 1951 Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees and EU law.

Annali dell'Enciclopedia del diritto

Terrorismo (diritto internazionale)

Published: Jun 06, 2012 by Annali dell'Enciclopedia del diritto
Authors: U. Breccia, E. Cheli et al.

Definition and means of prevention/repression of international terrorism.

Politica e diritti sociali nell’Unione europea. Quale modello sociale europeo?

La multiforme natura del diritto all’istruzione e il suo contributo...

Published: Jun 06, 2011 by Politica e diritti sociali nell’Unione europea. Quale modello sociale europeo?
Authors: P. Gargiulo

The development and dimension of the right to education in the EU.

L’evoluzione dei sistemi giurisdizionali regionali ed influenze comunitarie

La Corte caraibica di giustizia

Published: Jun 06, 2010 by L’evoluzione dei sistemi giurisdizionali regionali ed influenze comunitarie
Authors: P. Pennetta

An analysis of the competences of the Caribbean Court of Justice, compared to the CJEU.

Terrorism: Motivation, Threats and Prevention

The European Union between the implementation of the UN measures...

Published: Jun 06, 2010 by Terrorism: Motivation, Threats and Prevention
Authors: Adrienne M. Gallore

A comment on the first Kadi judgments of the Court of First Instance and the Court of Justice.

Social Policy: Challenges, Developments and Implications

The Treaty of accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU...

Published: Jun 06, 2010 by Social Policy: Challenges, Developments and Implications
Authors: L. P. Harrison

An analysis of the transitional regulation of free movement of persons in the treaties of accession of Bulgaria and Romania.


Meeting on "The Four Principles of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child"

Published: Feb 05, 2013

Simposyum LUISS on Allen Buchanan's "The heart of human rights"

Published: May 04, 2015

Interview with Radio Radicale on EU Immigration and Asylum Law

Published: Apr 07, 2016