Ronald S.  Green Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Ronald S. Green

Assistant Professor
Coastal Carolina University

I'm interested in applications of Buddhism to contemporary settings through various mediums: film, fiction literature, poetry, anime, manga, social engagement like protest, modern adaptations of pilgrimages, and more. Similarly, I study how Buddhist ideas have been pitched in the past for an assortment of purposes, whether as skill-in-means employing once-current trends for awakening or to establish the legitimacy of a particular school. My research languages are classical Chinese & Japanese.


Currently I'm working on the following book projects that are in various states of completion.

With Chanju Mun, a translation and critique of the Transmission of the Buddha Dharma in Three Nations by Gyōnen (1240-1321). Also with Dr. Mun, a critical analysis and translation of the Jeweled Key to the Mysterious Storehouse (Hizō hōyaku) by Kūkai (774–835). The Mysterious Storehouse is our Buddha-nature; the Jeweled Key to it is our Bodhicitta (Buddha-mind). We are also polishing a book we have completed on Representations of Buddhism in the History of Korean Cinema.

I am close to finishing a translation, explanation, and analysis of the major poetry collection of Taneda Santōka (1882–1940), "Plant Pagoda" and his final poems from Shikoku, "Shikoku Pilgrimage" and "Blade of Grass Hermitage".

I have begun preliminary work on a study of Representations of Buddhism in Modern Japanese Literature.

I am still working on a book about the Bodhisattva Gyōki (668–749) and the early Hossō School (the Japanese version/s of Yogācāra Buddhism), but it is simmering on the back burner for now.


    Ph.D Buddhist Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003
    M.A. South Asian Religions, UW-Madison, 2001
    M.A. Japanese Literature, University of Oregon, Eugene, 1997
    M.S. Sociology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, 1986
    B.A. Philosophy, University of North Carolina-Charlotte, '82

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Buddhist Studies (East Asia), Japanese Literature, Buddhism in Film, Buddhism in Literature

Personal Interests

    Organic gardening, Appalachian Trail, Shikoku Henro, meditation, making music, qi



Featured Title
 Featured Title - Buddhism Goes to the Movies - 1st Edition book cover


 A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy, Steven M. Emmanuel (Editor)

East Asian Buddhism

Published: Mar 25, 2015 by A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy, Steven M. Emmanuel (Editor)
Authors: Ronald S. Green
Subjects: Philosophy, Religion, Asian Studies, History

An historical overview of the thoughts and practices of major East Asian Buddhist traditions.

Blue Pine Books

Living in Peace: Insights from World Religions

Published: Sep 19, 2012 by Blue Pine Books
Authors: Chanju Mun and Ronald S. Green
Subjects: Religion, Sociology, Asian Studies

This book is a resource for understanding the peace philosophies and activities of world religions. It is hoped that readers might gain an understanding of the potentials religions hold for uniting large numbers of people in order to curtail violence and suffering.

Journal of Buddhist Ethics

Review: The 1918 Shikoku Pilgrimage of Takamure Itsue

Published: Oct 09, 2011 by Journal of Buddhist Ethics
Authors: Ronald S. Green
Subjects: Religion, Asian Studies

This book is a collection of 105 short reflections and poems by Takamure Itsue (1894 – 1964) on her travels to and around Shikoku in 1918 , when she was twenty - three years old . Each piece was published individually during her pilgrimage as a serial column in a Kyushu newspaper. They were compiled after her death and published as Musume Junreiki (1979).

Journal of Buddhist Ethics

Review: Pilgrimage, Meaning and Practice in Shikoku

Published: Oct 09, 2008 by Journal of Buddhist Ethics
Subjects: Religion, Asian Studies

With this work, Ian Reader offers a unique and valuable contribution to the academic study of the Shikoku pilgrimage to eighty-eight sacred places in honor of the Japanese Buddhist Kōbō Daishi Kūkai (774-835). He does so by incorporating two decades of his own participant observations and in-depth interviews, along with an impressive array of resources, sociological, historical and personal narratives, both past and present.