Chapter 1: Shame, Pride, and Relational Trauma: What Are They and Why Do They Matter in Psychotherapy?

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This chapter from Shame, Pride, and Relational Trauma by Ken Benau orients the reader to shame and pride and their importance in psychotherapy with survivors of relational trauma.

Benau defines relational trauma and describes observable behavior and subjective experiences characteristic of shame and pride. This includes differentiating shame and guilt, as well as shame and humiliation.

He also discusses why understanding and working with shame and pride, both as emotional processes and traumatic mind/body states, are central to psychotherapy in general and with relational trauma survivors specifically.

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Excerpted from

1st Edition
Shame, Pride, and Relational Trauma: Concepts and Psychotherapy
USD $42.95 $34.36
March 18, 2022 by Routledge
ISBN: 9781138362383
274 Pages