1st Edition

Algorithms, Humans, and Interactions How Do Algorithms Interact with People? Designing Meaningful AI Experiences

By Don Donghee Shin Copyright 2023
    216 Pages 7 Color & 7 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    216 Pages 7 Color & 7 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    216 Pages 7 Color & 7 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Amidst the rampant use of algorithmization enabled by AI, the common theme of AI systems is the human factor. Humans play an essential role in designing, developing, and operationalizing AI systems. We have a remit to ensure those systems run transparently, perform equitably, value our privacy, and effectively fulfill human needs. This book takes an interdisciplinary approach to contribute to the ongoing development of human–AI interaction with a particular focus on the "human" dimension and provides insights to improve the design of AI that could be genuinely beneficial and effectively used in society. The readers of this book will benefit by gaining insights into various perspectives about how AI has impacted people and society and how it will do so in the future, and understanding how we can design algorithm systems that are beneficial, legitimate, usable by humans, and designed considering and respecting human values. This book provides a horizontal set of guidelines and insight into how humans can be empowered by making choices about AI designs that allow them meaningful control over AI. Designing meaningful AI experiences has garnered great attention to address responsibility gaps and mitigate them by establishing conditions that enable the proper attribution of responsibility to humans. This book helps us understand the possibilities of what AI systems can do and how they can and should be integrated into our society.

    1. Algorithmic Experience  2. Algorithmic Awareness  3. Algorithmic Nudge  4. Algorithmic Credibility  5. Algorithmic Bias  6. Explainable Algorithms  7. Algorithmic Journalism  8. Human-Centered AI


    Don Donghee Shin has been a professor of digital media at Zayed University, UAE, as well as Swansea University, UK. Over the last 25 years, he has worked at various universities in the US and South Korea, including Sungkyunwkan University, Syracuse University, Penn State University, and the University of California, Berkeley. Broadly, his research areas include human–algorithm interaction, social computing, and media analytics. His research explores the impact of algorithmic platforms in terms of ethical considerations, algorithms, human–computer interaction, and media studies. In his recent research, he has examined various mechanisms to investigate users’ behavior around opaque algorithmic systems, redesign these systems to communicate opaque algorithmic processes to users, and provide them with a more informed, satisfying, and engaging interaction.

    "Don Shin has written a must-read primer for anyone considering human-AI interaction. Read this book - and learn from one of the best."

    -- Kerk Kee, Professor, Texas Tech University, USA

    "This book is a rigorous review of the field of human-algorithm interactions. It provides a guide to understanding the dynamics of AI in human contexts by addressing meaningful questions—How do humans and AI interact? How is AI shaping our understanding of ourselves and our societies? How do we bridge the gap between ethical considerations and practical realities to make responsible, reliable systems? This book is to find a way to empower humans by making AI design choices that allow them meaningful control over AI. Designing meaningful AI experiences has garnered great attention to address responsibility gaps and mitigate them by establishing conditions that enable a proper attribution of responsibility for humans."

    --Yujong Hwang, Professor, DePaul University, USA

    "As a prolific author and researcher, Don Shin offers an authoritative account of algorithms in interaction with people. Instead of speculative anecdotal stories, the readers get systematically and empirically grounded projections of the interplay between AI and human—how AI emerges as a powerful determinant of our cultural, economic and social lives. His research in this book is exemplary, inspiring, and interesting, speaking to multifaceted issues but with one underlying concern about the future role of AI."

    --Yong Jin Park, Author of The of Future of Digital Surveillance, Howard University and BKC Harvard University