1st Edition

Queer Ink: A Blotted History Towards Liberation

By Katherine Hubbard Copyright 2020
    162 Pages 16 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    This historical interdisciplinary book contextualises the Rorschach ink blot test and embeds it within feminist action and queer liberation.

    What do you see when you look at an ink blot? The Rorschach ink blot test is one of the most famous psychological tests and it has a surprisingly queer history. In mapping this history, this book explores how this test, once used to detect and diagnose ‘homosexuality’, was later used by some psychologists and activists to fight for gay liberation. In this book the author uses the test in yet another way, as a lens through which we can reveal a queer feminist history of Psychology. By looking closely at the lives and work of some women psychologists and activists it becomes clear that their work was influenced by their own, often queer, lives. By tracing the lives and actions of women who used, were tested with, or influenced by, the Rorschach, a new kind of understanding of gay and lesbian history in Britain is revealed.

    Pushing at the borders between Psychology, Sociology, and activism, the book utilises the Rorschach to show how influential the social world is on scientific practice. This is fascinating reading for anyone interested in the history of sexuality and Psychology.

    Chapter 1: Introduction

    Chapter 2: Queer Signs on the Rorschach

    Chapter 3: Queer Approaches to Depathologisation Chapter 4: Queer Signs in the Projective Psychologists

    Chapter 5: Queer Research and Lesbian Liberation

    Chapter 6: Queer Activism and Academia

    Chapter 7: Conclusion


    Katherine A. Hubbard is a feminist academic in the Sociology department at the University of Surrey. She has been publishing in the area of sexualities since 2014 and completed her PhD entitled: ‘A history of the Rorschach ink blot test in Britain: an interdisciplinary, queer feminist approach to one bleeding test’ in 2016. She has a wide range of experience in research and teaching in the history of Psychology, Sociology of Gender, LGBTQ Psychology and feminist history.