1st Edition

Technologies of InSecurity The Surveillance of Everyday Life

    294 Pages
    by Routledge-Cavendish

    296 Pages
    by Routledge-Cavendish

    Technologies of InSecurity examines how general social and political concerns about terrorism, crime, migration and globalization are translated into concrete practices of securitisation of everyday life.

    Who are we afraid of in a globalizing world? How are issues of safety and security constructed and addressed by various local actors and embodied in a variety of surveillance systems? Examining how various forms of contemporary insecurity are translated into, and reduced to, issues of surveillance and social control, this book explores a variety of practical and cultural aspects of technological control, as well as the discourses about safety and security surrounding them. (In)security is a politically and socially constructed phenomenon, with a variety of meanings and modalities. And, exploring the inherent duality and dialectics between our striving for security and the simultaneous production of insecurity, Technologies of Insecurity considers how mundane objects and activities are becoming bearers of risks which need to be neutralised. As ordinary arenas - such as the workplace, the city centre, the football stadium, the airport, and the internet - are imbued with various notions of risk and danger and subject to changing public attitudes and sensibilities, the critical deconstruction of the nexus between everyday surveillance and (in)security pursued here provides important new insights about how broader political issues are translated into concrete and local practices of social control and exclusion.

    Introduction: Technologies of (in)security, K .F. Aas, H. O. Gundhus, H. M. Lomell  Part 1: (In)security and terror  1. Mundane Terror and the Threat of Everyday Objects, Daniel Neyland  2. Identification Practices: state formation, crime control, colonialism and war, David Lyon  Part 2: (In)secure spaces  3. Spatial Articulations of Surveillance at the FIFA World Cup 2006 in Germany, Francisco Klauser  4. Checkpoint Security: Gateways, airports, and the architecture of security, Richard Jones  Part 3: (In)secure visibilities  5. 24/7/365: Mobility, locability and the satellite tracking of offenders, Mike Nellis  6. Empowered Watchers or Disempowered Workers? The ambiguities of power within technologies of security, Gavin John Douglas Smith  7. Hijacking Surveillance? The new moral landscapes of amateur photographing, Hille Koskela  Part 4: (In)secure virtualities  8. The Role of the Internet in the Twenty First Century Prison: Insecure technologies in secure places, Yvonne Jewkes  9. Computer Crime Control as Industry: Virtual insecurity and the market for private policing, Majid Yar  Part 5: (In)Secure rights  10. Technologies of Surveillance and the erosion of institutional trust, Benjamin Goold  11. Another Side of the Story: Defence lawyers' views on DNA evidence, Johanne Yttrl Dahl  12. 'Catastrophic Moral Horror': Torture, terror and rights, Vidar Halvorsen  Epilogue: The Inescapable Insecurity of security technologies?, Lucia Zedner


    Katja Franko Aas is Assistant Professor at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, University of Oslo.

    Helene Oppen Gundhus is Assistant Professor at the Norwegian Police University College.

    Heidi Mork Lomell is Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, University of Oslo.

    "Impressively, Technologies of InSecurity: the surveillance of everyday life confronts both the most pressing theoretical and conceptual issues raised by European criminologists and sociologists in the surveillance studies arena, and also offers a detailed account of cutting-edge empirical cases characterizing the contemporary horizons of surveillance practice and social control...Technologies of (In)security will no doubt find its place as an influential collection in the porous and shifting field of Surveillance Studies." - Adam Molnar, Surveillance & Society, Vol 6, No 3 (2009)