1st Edition

Global Jihadism Theory and Practice

By Jarret M. Brachman Copyright 2009

    Global Jihadism exposes the core doctrine and strategy of today’s global Jihadist movement.

    The first half of the book explores the ideas upon which groups such as Al Qaeda are built, including the concepts of Jihad, al-Wala wal-Bara, Takfir and Tawhid. Jarret Brachman exposes a genre of Jihadist strategic scholarship that has been virtually ignored in the West and helps to situate it within the broader Salafist religious movement. The second half explores the thinking and activities of Al Qaeda’s propaganda machine, explaining its intricacies and idiosyncrasies. It includes case studies on the rise and fall of global Jihadist terrorism in Saudi Arabia post-9/11, and highlights the explosive results of bringing theory to bear on practice in the United Kingdom over the past twenty years. The book concludes by providing innovative strategies for combating the global Jihadist ideology.

    Part 1: Theory  1. Introduction  2. Doctrine and Schools  3. Ideologues  4. Strategists  Part 2: Practice  5. Propogandists  6. Al-Qa`ida in Saudi Arabia  7. Global Jihadism in the UK  8. Conclusion


    Jarret Brachman is Director of Research in the Combating Terrorism Center at the United States Military Academy, West Point, and an Adjunct Professor at New York University’s Center for Global Affairs.

    'This is an important book with a significant amount of information for the reader as well as useful references and insights.' - Richard Whelan, Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 23, 3, June 2011

    'Jarret Brachman's brilliant analysis of the ideology that inspires and sustains Al Qaeda and other violent jihadi movements will greatly enhance understanding of
    the threat they pose to peace and security . It is an invaluable aid for those engaged in combating the recruitment of future generations of jihadi suicide terrorists.'
    Paul Wilkinson , Emeritus Professor of International Relations, University of St Andrews

    'Global Jihadism is an important contribution to the literature on al Qaeda and Salafist jihadism specifically and terrorism in general. Brachman masterfully dissects the ideology and strategy as well as the information operations and actual plots and attacks that have sustained this movement since 9/11. The book provides a timely and incisive analysis of the most pressing security challenge of our time.'
    Professor Bruce Hoffman, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University

    ‘Global Jihadism is an erudite, well-organized and interesting tour though the world of transnational jihadist terrorism that will be of interest to specialists, students and interested readers alike. Jarret Brachman has written an authoritative account of this complex subject.’ 
    Peter Bergen, author of Holy War, Inc. and The Osama bin Laden I Know.