1st Edition

Museums: A Place to Work Planning Museum Careers

Edited By Jane R. Glaser, Artemis A. Zenetou Copyright 1996
    320 Pages
    by Routledge

    Surveying over thirty different positions in the museum profession, this is the essential guide for anyone considering entering the field, or a career change within it.

    From exhibition designer to shop manager, this comprehensive survey views the latest trends in museum work and the broad-ranging technological advances that have been made.

    For any professional in the field, this is a crucially useful book for how to prepare, look for and find jobs in the museum profession.


    Jane R. Glaser, Artemis A. Zenetou

    'This is a useful addition to the library for anyone who is dealing with enquirers considering a career in the field and it also provides some food for thought for any mid-career professional wishing to consider current trends.' - Tak tent, Scottish Museums Council Newsletter