1st Edition

Boys Masculinities In Contemporary Culture

Edited By Paul Smith Copyright 1996
    336 Pages
    by Routledge

    Analyzing the meanings of masculinity in contemporary culture, this book examines specific cultural male icons like Muhammad Ali, Harvey Keitel, Jean-Claude Van Damme, and Newt Gingrich and explores the male stereotypes such as the cowboy, the father, the homosexual, and the Black terror.

    1. Introduction 2. A Buffalo, New York Story 3. Father Figure 4. Dinge 5. Homo Academicus 6. Male Horror: On David Cronenberg 7. Telling Differences: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in The Crying Game 8. Scattered Speculations on the Value of Harvey Keitel 9. Hot Damme! Reflections on Gay Publicity 10. The Prettiest Postcolonial: Muhammad Ali 11. "Beat me outta me": Alternative Masculinities 12. Prosthetic Gender and Universal Intellect: Stephen Hawking's Law 13. Conservative Cowboy Stories: Adventures of the Chosen Sons 14. Of Newts and Quayles: National-Political Masculinity in the Current Conjuncture 15. A White Boy Is Being Beaten