1st Edition

dsRNA Genetic Elements Concepts and Applications in Agriculture, Forestry, and Medicine

Edited By Stellos M. Tavantzis Copyright 2001

    Our understanding of the nature, origin, and biological roles of double-stranded RNA found in fungi, plants, and animals has advanced greatly during the last five years. Because these genetic elements are capable of replication, they can be used to manage fungal diseases of crops, vegetables, turfgrass, fruit, and forest trees using genetic means r

    RNAi and cosuppression: double-stranded RNA as an agent of sequence-specific genetic silencing in animals and plants. Molecular basis of symptom expression by the Cryphonectria hypovirus. Engineering hypovirus for fundamental and practical applications. Double-stranded RNA viruses of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The double-stranded RNA viruses of Ustilago maydis and their killer toxins. Double-stranded RNA elements modulating virulence in Rhizoctonia solani. Viruses of the Dutch elm disease fungi. Molecular genetics of the viruses infecting the plant pathogenic fungus helminthosporium victoriae. Double-stranded RNAs in the commercial mushroom Agaricus bisporus: Perplexing duplexes on the brink of resolution. Regulation of apoptosis by the double-stranded RNA activated protein kinase PKR.


    Stellos M. Tavantzis