1st Edition

Environmental Economics for Watershed Restoration

    Whether addressing pollution problems or helping protect a specific use, watershed associations are finding that the competition for funds is getting harder. While we can grasp the value of our streams for fishing or kayaking and other services, or their cultural value, or their value to an ecosystem, putting a dollar value on those benefits is not

    Introduction to Economic Jargon and Decision Tools. A Closer Look at Valuation Methods and What They are Used For. Valuing the Restoration of Acidic Streams in the Appalachian Region. Using Hedonic Modeling to Value AMD Remediation in the Cheat River Watershed. Using Benefit Transfer to Value Acid Mine Drainage Remediation in West Virginia. Economics of Ecosystem Management for the Catawba River Basin. Estimating Willingness to Pay for Aquatic Resource Improvements Using Benefits Transfer. Using Conceptual Models to Communicate Environmental Changes. Local Economic Benefits of Restoring Deckers Creek: A Preliminary Analysis.


    Hale W. Thurston, Matthew T. Heberling, Alyse Schrecongost