1st Edition

Language and Communication in Old Age Multidisciplinary Perspectives

Edited By Heidi Ehernberger Hamilton Copyright 1999

    This volume explores physiological and psychological changes in speech among the elderly, drawing on 20 years of research on the physical and emotional aspects of language and communication. Index.

    Introduction * Memory and Language in the Dementia Spectrum of Depression, Alzheimer Syndrome, and Normal Aging, V. Olga B. Emery * Written Input to Enhance Comprehension in Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, Loraine K. Obler, Lorraine Obermann, Ina Samuels, and Martin L. Albert * Language-related Factors Influencing Naming in Adulthood, Barbara A. Barresi, Loraine K. Obler, Rhoda Au, and Martin L. Albert * Processing of Texts in Elderly Populations, Hanna K. Ulatowska, Sandra Bond Chapman, and Julene Johnson * Facilitating Conversation with an Alzheimer's Disease Sufferer Through the Use of Indirect Repair, Steven R. Sabat * Evaluation in the Bereavement Narratives of Elderly Widowers, Anne R. Bower * Aging, Ageism and Anti-Ageism: Moral Stance in Geriatric Medical Discourse, Nikolas Coupland and Justine Coupland * When and How Old Age is Relevant in Discourse of the Elderly: A Case Study of Georgia O'Keeffe, Elif Tolga Rosenfeld * Painful Self-Disclosure in Intergenerational Talk, Shoko Yohena Okazaki * Gossip in an Older Women's Support Group: A Linguistic Analysis, Pamela A. Saunders * Elders' Complaints: on Old Age and Social Change in Rural Kenya and Urban Philadelphia, Maria G. Cattell * Elderly Women Speak About Their Interactions with Health Care Providers, Joyce Allman, Sandra L. Ragan, Chevelle Newsome, Lucretia Scoufos, and Jon Nussbaum * Grandmothers and Granddaughters in African-American Families: Imparting Cultural Tradition Between Generations, Valerie Cryer McKay


    Heidi Ehernberger Hamilton

    "This vol in the Issues in Agingseries presents 14 Chpts on aspects of elderly communication, Alzheimer discourse, cognitive ablilities, & intergenerational conversation. Various Disciplines provide the frameworkds." -- LIBA, F. Andrade