1st Edition

Expecting Trouble Early Warnings and Rapid Responses in Maternal Medical Care

Edited By Lauren A. Plante Copyright 2018
    188 Pages 15 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    This practical resource has easily accessed emergency management plans to deal with critical conditions in obstetric care, in which maternal health or life is threatened. Decision algorithms and summary boxes are featured throughout for ease of reading.

    Introduction.  Rapid response teams. Maternal early warning systems in Obstetrics.  Shock.  Severe hypertension.  Arrhythmia.  Chest pain.  Hypoxemia.  Dyspnea.  Oliguria.  Seizures.  Acute mental status change.  Fever.  Obstetric hemorrhage I: A trimester-based approach to antepartum hemorrhage.  Obstetric haemorrhage II: Postpartum hemorrhage.  Acute abdomen.  Trauma.  Maternal resuscitation.  Perimortem Cesarean delivery.


    Lauren A. Plante, MD, MPH, is a professor of both obstetrics & gynecology and anesthesiology, and a subspecialist in maternal-fetal medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA. She is additionally credentialed in critical care medicine and has published on the intersection of maternal-fetal medicine and critical care.