1st Edition

Beyond the Smile: The Therapeutic Use of the Photograph

By Linda Berman Copyright 1993
    224 Pages
    by Routledge

    Linda Berman explores the importance of photographs in our lives, highlighting the hidden messages behind the images. She describes different ways of using photographs in therapy and shows how by triggering memory and emotion and revealing family patterns they can be used to help the patient. Detailed case studies, with appropriate illustrations, show how photographs can be used with individuals, couples and groups, and demonstrate how useful photographs can be in many different therapeutic settings.

    1 Photographs in everyday life, 2 'I am here, I am there': paradoxes, contradictions and ambiguities within the photograph, 3 Using photographs in therapy: some general principles, 4 A clinical example: Jane, 5 A closer look at the family album: searching for clues to the past, 6 The search continues: exploring images of interaction, 7 Who can benefit? 8 'Can it really be me?' Photographs and the self


    Linda Berman is a psychotherapist and marital therapist in private practice.

    `... both informative and a pleasure to read. ... style that is clear and precise ... well-researched book and is packed with interesting and pertinent quotes.' - Lahoots

    `... virtually un-put-downable ... you will never view your own family album in quite the same way again!' - British Journal of Guidance and Counselling

    `a clearly presented introduction to an interesting subject' - Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci (1996)