The latest volume in the series based on the Annual Stress and Coping Symposia held at the University of Miami, Drs. McCabe, Schneiderman, Field, and Wellens bring together an outstanding group of researchers to examine the relationship between bio-behavioral and social factors and heart disease.

    Highlights of the book include an in-depth look at the latest research on:
    * basic physiological processes in cardiovascular reactivity to stress;
    * pathophysiological mechanisms in cardiovascular disease;
    * ethnic differences in cardiovascular regulation;
    * psychosocial influences on cardiovascular function/disease; and
    * Behavioral interventions designed to treat cardiovascular disorders.

    The goal of Stress, Coping, and Cardiovascular Disease is to provide a solid empirical foundation on the relationship between stress and cardiovascular disease so as to stimulate further research into the pathophysiology and treatment of the leading cause of death in industrialized countries.

    Contents: Preface. R.W. Winters, P.M. McCabe, E.J. Green, N. Schneiderman, Stress Responses, Coping, and Cardiovascular Neurobiology: Central Nervous System Circuitry Underlying Learned and Unlearned Affective Responses to Stressful Stimuli. B.R. Dworkin, T. Elbert, H. Rau, Blood Pressure Elevation as a Coping Response. C.A. Shively, M.R. Adams, J.R. Kaplan, J.K. Williams, Social Stress, Gender, and Coronary Heart Disease Risk in Monkeys. B.E. Hurwitz, R. Goldstein, C.A. Massie, M.M. Llabre, N. Schneiderman, Low-Flow Circulatory State and the Pathophysiological Development of Cardiovascular Disease: A Model of Autonomic Mediation of Cardiovascular Regulation. I. Nyklicek, A.J.J.M. Vingerhoets, G.L. Van Heck, Blood Pressure, Appraisal, and Coping With Stressors. P.G. Saab, M.M. Llabre, A. Fernander-Scott, R. Copen, M. Ma, V. DiLillo, J.R. McCalla, M. Davolos, C. Gallaher, Ethnic Differences in Blood Pressure Regulation. N. Schneiderman, M. Gellman, A. Peckerman, B. Hurwitz, P. Saab, M.M. Llabre, G. Ironson, L. Durel, J. Skyler, P. McCabe, Cardiovascular Reactivity as an Indicator of Risk for Future Hypertension. N. Frasure-Smith, F. Lespérance, M. Talajic, The Prognostic Importance of Depression, Anxiety, Anger, and Social Support Following Myocardial Infarction: Opportunities for Improving Survival. K. Orth-Gomér, Stress and Social Support in Relation to Cardiovascular Health.


    Philip Mccabe, Neil Schneiderman, Tiffany M. Field, Rodeny A. Wellens

    "The stylistic shift throughout the book from the orientation of the neuropsychophysiologist to the social epidemiologist exemplifies well the growing difficulties that the researcher must face in controlling or accounting for variance....for researchers and students interested in connecting psychology to cardiovascular physiology, or for those who want a more psychophysiological perspective of cardiovascular research, then the converging spectrum of this area is well illustrated here."
    Journal of Health Psychology