1st Edition

Advanced Logo A Language for Learning

By Michael Friendly Copyright 1988

    Advanced Logo shows how LOGO can be used as a vehicle to promote problem solving skills among secondary students, college students, and instructors. The book demonstrates the wide range of educational domains that can be explored through LOGO including generative grammars, physical laws of motion and mechanics, artificial intelligence, robotics, and calculus.

    Contents: Part I: Logo Thinking. What is Logo? Logo Basics. Defining Procedures. Listful Thinking. Interactive Techniques. Part II: Learning with Logo. Exploring Numbers, Words, and Lists. The Tower of Hanoi: A Case Study. The World of Trees. Multiple Turtles, CyberBugs and Robots. Knowledge Programming in Box World. Representing Knowledge. Exploring Language. PlotWorld: A Visit to Mathland. Turtle Dynamics and the Laws of Motion. Inside Logo. Appendices: Versions of Logo. Answers and Hints for Selected Activities.


    Michael Friendly

    "Advanced Logo: A Language for Learning is a welcome addition to the LOGO library since [it] deliberately seeks to invite readers into this broader conception of LOGO as a "real" programming language. [Friendly] also seeks to extend this fuller view of LOGO by illustrating how programming in LOGO is an educational methodology for bringing children into contact with many educationally important ideas... [the book] offers a bridge to take the reader from a basic fluency with LOGO to an understanding for more advanced issues...[the book] is not just a verbal description; it is filled with exciting exercises and projects, and is even accompanied by diskettes containing many of the larger projects in machine-executable form."
    Technology and Learning

    "A fine acquisition for libraries in institutions where Logo is used."
    J.C. Biddle,
    University of Louisville