1st Edition

Crustacean Issues 3 Factors in Adult Growth

By Adrian M. Wenner Copyright 1985
    386 Pages
    by CRC Press

    This volume is an outcome of the symposia on the Crustacean Issues in the annual meeting of The Crustacean Society. It examines in depth timely topics at issue in contemporary carcinology. The volume covers studies of growth rate and life history in two of the major categories of crustaceans.

    Special growth topics: control of molting in Crustacea; muscle atrophy and restoration during molting; morphogenetic fields and control of form in limbs of decapods; periodicity and phasing of molting; growth, sexual maturity and reproductive output; size-dependent reproduction and molting in spiny lobsters and other long-lived decapods; variation in size at onset of egg production; models of growth. Factors influencing growth patterns: effects of crustacean parasitic castrators on growth of crustracean hosts; non-metal environmental pollutants and growth; growth and its relationship in reproduction in Mysis relicta; effects of pressure on growth; ontogeny of social structure and population dynamics in giant freshwater prawn; growth studies in selected groups - cladocera; mysids and euphausiids.


    Adrian M. Wenner